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Poison Music KKBOX 2012 年 5 月份排行榜 100 首 華語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Poison Music KKBOX 2012 年 5 月份排行榜 100 首 華語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Poison Music KKBOX 2012 年 5 月份排行榜 100 首 語文版本: 華語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 【專輯名稱】:KKBOX 五月份國語排行榜TOP100 【歌手名稱】:群星 【製作發行】: 【發行日期】:2012年6月1日 001- 陳芳語 (Kimberley) - 愛你 (偶像劇翻糖花園片尾曲) 002- 丁 噹 - 不是你的錯 (真愛找麻煩 插曲) 003- 羅志祥 - 不具名的悲傷 004- 五月天 - 我不願讓你一個人 005- 丁 噹 - 一個人不可能 (偶像劇 真愛找麻煩 插曲) 006- 黃美珍 - 途中 (愛上巧克力片尾曲) 007- 任賢齊 - 對摺 008- 郭采潔 - 該忘了 (向前走向愛走 片尾曲) 009- 五月天 - 星空 (幾米繪本電影 星空 同名主題曲) 010- 羅志祥 - 有我在 011- 林俊傑 - 學不會 012- 韋禮安 - 還是會 (我可能不會愛你 電視原聲帶) 013- 陳勢安 - 天后 (八大韓劇 同伊 片尾曲) 014- 郁可唯 - 微加幸福 (小資女孩向前衝片尾曲) 015- 張芸京 - 喘息 016- 李佳薇 - 煎熬 017- 林 凡 - 痛癢 (公視 小孩大人 片尾曲) 018- 陳勢安 - 勢在必行 (建國百年旗艦大戲 勇士們_片頭曲) 019- 大嘴巴 - Maybe的機率 (偶像劇 翻糖花園 片頭曲) 020- 胡 夏 - 那些年 021- 羅志祥 - 王見王 (feat. 楊丞琳) 022- 陳柏霖 - 我不會喜歡你 (我可能不會愛上妳插曲) 023- 郁可唯 - 好朋友只是朋友 024- 林宥嘉 - 傻子 (LOVE 電影原聲帶) 025- 陳勢安 - 心.洞 026- 蘇打綠 - 喜歡寂寞 027- 丁 噹 - 好難得 (感謝前男友的領悟之歌) 028- 倪安東 - 失敗的分手 029- 范瑋琪 - 最親愛的你 030- 林依晨 - 翅膀(我可能不會愛上妳片尾曲) 031- 洪佩瑜 - 踮起腳尖愛 032- 五月天 - 乾杯 033- 徐佳瑩 - 不難 034- 田馥甄 - 還是要幸福 035- 嚴 爵 - 好的事情 (醉後決定愛上你 片尾曲) 036- 蕭煌奇 - 末班車 037- 陳勢安 - 再愛一遍 (城市戀人 片尾曲) 038- 田馥甄 - 魔鬼中的天使 039- 郁可唯 - 傷不起 040- 蕭亞軒 - 逞強 041- 蕭敬騰 - 只能想念你 042- 陳嘉樺 (Ella) - 壞女孩 043- 林俊傑 - Love U U 044- 周杰倫 - Mine Mine 045- 郭 靜 - 陪著我的時候想著她 046- 方炯鑌 - 在我懷裡 047- 林俊傑 - 她說 048- 羅志祥 - 愛。不用說 049- 陳勢安 - 不習慣喊痛(勇士們 片尾曲) 050- 吳建豪、俊昊 - 不敗 (愛上巧克力 主題曲) 051- 林俊傑 - 那些你很冒險的夢 052- 羅志祥 - 愛入非非 053- 胡 夏 - 燃點 054- 黃麗玲 (A-Lin) - 我很忙 055- 卓文萱 - 不要不要 056- 陳嘉樺 (Ella) - 懂我再愛我 057- 林 凡 - 睡在一起的知己 058- 五月天 - 諾亞方舟 059- 溫 嵐 - 忍不住原諒 060- 曾靜玟 - 不快樂 061- 黃麗玲 (A-Lin) - 大大的擁抱 062- 黃麗玲 (A-Lin) - 我們會更好的 063- 蘇打綠 - 你被寫在我的歌裡 064- 五月天 - OAOA 065- 王力宏 - 依然愛你 066- 張惠妹 - 我最親愛的 067- 黃麗玲 (A-Lin) - 給我一個理由忘記 068- 大嘴巴 - 你怕誰 069- 丁 噹 - 野獸 (偶像劇 真愛找麻煩 插曲) 070- 張暄祺 - 如果可能 071- 羅志祥 - 全城熱愛 072- 張惠妹 - 掉了 073- 林俊傑 - 不存在的情人 074- 周杰倫 - 公主病 075- 李佳薇 - 大火 076- 郁可唯 - 指望 077- 王心凌 - 不哭 078- 蕭敬騰 - 怎麼說我不愛你 079- 蕭煌奇 - 只能勇敢 080- 五月天 - 倉頡 081- 周湯豪 - 億萬分之一的機率 (電視劇 粉愛粉愛你 片尾曲) 082- 田馥甄 - 寂寞寂寞就好 083- 倪安東 - 一覺醒來 084- 五月天 - 第二人生 085- 五月天 - 突然好想你 086- 鄧福如 - 如果有如果 087- 郭采潔 - 還愛著你 (向前走向愛走 插曲) 088- 鄧福如 - ALL HAPPY 089- 王力宏 - 你不知道的事 090- 周杰倫 - 你好嗎 091- 蕭敬騰 - 狂想曲 092- 林 凡 - 告別像低迴溫婉的小調 (緯來戲劇 花美男拉麵店 片尾曲) 093- 郭采潔 - 灌溉愛 (向前走向愛走 片頭曲) 094- 陳嘉樺 (Ella) 厚臉皮 095- 周杰倫 - 說好的幸福呢 096- 羅志祥 - 愛走秀 097- 楊丞琳 - 我們都傻 (偶像劇「醉後決定愛上你」插曲) 098- 王詩安 - 我不要再難過 (向前走向愛走 電視原聲帶) 099- 林俊傑 - 背對背擁抱 100- 汪東城 - 假裝我們沒愛過 (絕對達令 片尾曲) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

ec8hc6 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Poison Music 百度新歌排行榜 100 首 2012 年 6 月 華語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Poison Music 百度新歌排行榜 100 首 2012 年 6 月 華語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Poison Music 百度新歌排行榜 100 首 2012 年 6 月 語文版本: 華語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 【專輯名稱】:百度新歌排行榜100首 【歌手名稱】:群星 【製作發行】: 【發行日期】:2012年6月10日 001- 胡 歌 - 一吻天荒 002- 許 飛 - 尋水的魚 003- 鄭 源 - 夢中情人 004- 丁 噹 - 他還認不認得我 005- 辛曉琪 - 無聲情歌 (vs 齊秦) 006- 容祖兒 - 霧裡看花 007- 阿 杜 - 第九次初戀 008- 范瑋琪 - 天空下 009- 薛凱琪 - Better Me 010- 王櫟鑫 - 反光 011- 劉惜君 - 愛別離 012- 余文樂 - 沉迷 013- 汪蘇瀧 - 桃花扇 014- sara - 月光下想你 015- 張 杰 - 擱淺 016- 黃 英 - 燦爛的行走 017- 林宥嘉 - 誘 018- 阿 蘭 - 鳳凰 019- 范瑋琪 - 寶貝我們不要哭 020- 丁 噹 - 差一步 021- 辛曉琪 - 真實 022- 蔡卓妍 - 為什麼 (明明 國語版) 023- 王錚亮 - 你的幸福是我們最好的禮物 024- Justin Bieber - All Around the World (feat. Ludacris) 025- 薩頂頂 - 來者摩羯 026- 阿 杜 - 掛失 027- 徐佳瑩 - 拉拉隊 028- 曹 格 - all i have to do is dream 029- 張 宇 - 心術 (電視劇 心術 主題曲) 030- 李宇春 - 珍惜 (電視劇 女相 主題曲) 031- 丁 噹 - 好難得 (感謝前男友的領悟之歌) 032- 徐佳瑩 - 瓶頸 033- 張芸京 - 喘息 034- 陳志朋 - 你的城市你的故事 035- 梁心頤 - Darling (旁氏 愛情的兩張臉 微電影 數位單曲) 036- 王 野 - 痛快 037- 郁可唯 - 好想你也在 038- 王錚亮 - 錯過 (電視劇 林師傅在首爾 插曲) 039- 徐佳瑩 - 不難 040- 阿 悄 - 陪我去流浪 041- 袁詠琳 - 半熟戀人 (電視劇 半熟戀人 片頭曲) 042- 莫艷琳 - 我不能哭 043- 蕭敬騰 - How deep is your love 044- 范瑋琪 - 最親愛的你 045- 曹軒賓 - 如果你愛我 046- 費玉清 - 抱著你的感覺 047- 孫 楠 - 迷人島 048- 李心潔 - 腳趾上的星光 049- 馮紹峰 - 百年輪迴 (夢幻誅仙2 主題曲) 050- 費玉清 - 情願為你付出我一生 051- 阿 朵 - 世間沒有一無所有的人 052- 林宥嘉 - 思凡 053- 王櫟鑫 - 暴走 054- 江美琪 - 在一起多好 055- 少女時代 Girls Generation - Twinkle 056- 李宇春 - 為愛感動 057- 張靚穎 - 好不容易 058- 蔡卓妍 - 明明 (粵) 059- 黃 英 - 遠歌 (vs 吳彤) 060- 毛 寧 - 一直很安靜 061- 林 凡 - 告別像低迴溫婉的小調 062- 費玉清 - 只有你 063- 林憶蓮 - 路過蜻蜓 064- 張學友 - 中國節拍震動世界 065- 莫文蔚 - 偷情 (粵) 066- Angelababy - 都要微笑好嗎 (電影 第一次 主題曲) 067- 何韻詩 - 青春祭 068- 大嘴巴 - 流感 069- 曲婉婷 - Everything In The World 070- 曹軒賓 - 可惜不是你 071- 汪東城 - 完美心跳 072- 大嘴巴 - 你怕誰 073- 林 凡 - 睡在一起的知己 074- 江美琪 - 房間 075- 鳳凰傳奇 - 御龍歸字謠 076- 衛 蘭 - 我懷念的你 (粵) 077- 黃曉明 - 匹夫 (電影 匹夫 主題曲) 078- 陳奕迅 - 人人愛 079- 高 安 - 紅塵情歌 (vs 黑鴨子) 080- 羅志祥 - 全城熱愛 081- Jason Mraz - The Freedom Song 082- EXO-M - History 083- 吳建豪+2PM俊昊 - 不敗 (愛上巧克力 片頭曲) 084- 陳浩民 - 忘不了的人 085- 汪東城 - 假裝我們沒愛過 (絕對達令 片尾曲) 086- 小 賤 - 不像情歌 087- 方炯鑌 - 在我懷裡 088- EXO-M - MaMa 089- 曲婉婷 - Drenched 090- 羅志祥 - 愛走秀 091- 藍正龍 - 淚光翅膀 (粉愛粉愛你 插曲) 092- 汪蘇瀧 - 風度 093- 羅志祥 - 王見王 (vs 楊丞琳) 094- 林 凡 - 痛癢 (公視 小孩大人 片尾曲) 095- 常石磊 - 天地鑒 096- 莫文蔚 - 明天我要嫁給你 (Live) 097- Ella陳嘉樺 - 我就是我 098- 郭采潔 - 該忘了 (向前走向愛走 片尾曲) 099- 羅志祥 - 不具名的悲傷 100- 湯 唯 - 晚秋 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

ec8hc6 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Poison Music 遠傳電信來電答鈴國語排行榜 2012 年 6 月 華語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Poison Music 遠傳電信來電答鈴國語排行榜 2012 年 6 月 華語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Poison Music 遠傳電信來電答鈴國語排行榜 2012 年 6 月 語文版本: 華語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 【專輯名稱】:遠傳電信(全曲)國語排行榜 【歌手名稱】:群星 【製作發行】: 【發行日期】:2012年6月18日 001- 陳芳語 (Kimberley) - 愛你 (偶像劇翻糖花園片尾曲) 002- 范瑋琪 - 最親愛的你 003- 丁 噹 - 好難得 (感謝前男友的領悟之歌) 004- 羅志祥 - 不具名的悲傷 005- 丁 噹 - 不是你的錯 (真愛找麻煩 插曲) 006- 黃美珍 - 夠好 (愛上巧克力 插曲) 007- 周湯豪 - 這是你的歌 008- 陳思函 - 說愛不愛 (幸福三顆星 片尾曲) 009- 丁 噹 - 一個人不可能 (偶像劇 真愛找麻煩 插曲) 010- 徐佳瑩 - 不難 011- 周湯豪 - S.N.G 012- 林 凡 - 痛癢 (公視 小孩大人 片尾曲) 013- 八三夭 - 最好的結局 (閣樓上的王子 片頭曲) 014- 范瑋琪 - 彈起來 015- 羅志祥 - 愛。不用說 016- 周湯豪 - 內傷 017- 任賢齊 - 對摺 (傾城之淚 主題曲) 018- 五月天 - 我不願讓你一個人 019- ROOMIE - 愛我像從前一樣 020- 溫 嵐 - 忍不住原諒 021- 羅志祥+楊丞琳 - 王見王 (粉愛粉愛你 插曲) 022- 范瑋琪 - 路 (閣樓上的王子 片尾曲) 023- 林俊傑 - Love U U 024- 林宥嘉 - 誘 025- 周湯豪 - 億萬分之一的機率 (粉愛粉愛你 片尾曲) 026- 徐佳瑩 - 你敢不敢 027- 龔芝怡 - 明知我愛你 028- 張惠妹 - 我最親愛的 029- 范瑋琪 - 最重要的決定 030- 羅志祥 - 有我在 031- 方炯鑌 - 在我懷裡 032- 丁 噹 - 他還認不認得我 (愛呀哎呀,我願意 片尾曲) 033- 阿 杜 - Valentines- Day 034- 林俊永 - 愛走了 (擁抱太陽的月亮 片尾曲) 035- 林 凡 - 缺口 036- 大嘴巴 - Maybe的機率 (翻糖花園 片頭曲) 037- 黃美珍 - 樹風 038- 化學猴子 - 陪在你身邊 (廉政英雄 片尾曲) 039- 陳勢安 - 再愛一遍 (城市戀人 片尾曲) 040- 周湯豪 - 罵醒我 041- 王力宏 - 依然愛你 042- 溫 嵐 - 手印 043- 李佳薇 - 大火 044- 林 凡 - 告別像低迴溫婉的小調 (花美男拉麵店 片尾曲) 045- 李佳薇 - 煎熬 046- 陳勢安 - 天后 (同伊 片尾曲) 047- 林俊傑 - 那些你很冒險的夢 048- 丁 噹 - 差一步 (你是春風我是雨 片頭曲) 049- 羅志祥 - 全城熱愛 050- 陳嘉樺 (Ella) - 懂我再愛我 051- 郁可唯 - 傷不起 052- 丁 噹 - 不夠勇敢 053- 蘇打綠 - 你被寫在我的歌裡 054- 潘嘉麗 - 說不哭 055- 梁一貞 - 玩具 056- 田馥甄 - 魔鬼中的天使 057- 郁可唯 - 暖心 058- 胡 夏 - 燃點 059- 陳勢安 - 勢在必行 (勇士們 片頭曲) 060- 曾靜玟 - 不快樂 061- 陳芳語 (Kimberley) - Never Change 062- 蕭亞軒 - 遺失的心跳 063- 丁 噹 - 我還是一樣 064- 林 凡 - 睡在一起的知己 065- 胡 夏 - 那些年 (那些年,我們一起追的女孩 主題曲) 066- 倪安東 - 失敗的分手 067- 林俊傑 - 學不會 068- 郁可唯 - 好朋友只是朋友 069- 蕭敬騰 - 怎麼說我不愛你 070- 謝和弦 - 牽心萬苦 071- 羅志祥 - 愛入非非 072- 黃小琥 - 該放手了 073- 蕭亞軒 - 愛不離手 074- 黃麗玲 (A-Lin) - 我很忙 075- 大嘴巴 - 防衛心態 076- 陳勢安 - 心.洞 077- 范瑋琪 - 天空下 078- 張暄祺 - 如果可能 079- 嚴 爵 - 好的事情 (醉後決定愛上你 片尾曲) 080- 丁 噹 - 最後一次寂寞 081- 陳芳語 (Kimberley) - 星際旅行 (feat. 戴愛玲) 082- 大嘴巴 - BaBoo 083- 王力宏 - 你不知道的事 084- Olivia Ong - 海枯石爛 085- 林宥嘉 - 想自由 086- 劉嘉亮 - 美麗女人 087- 范瑋琪 - 寶貝我們不要哭 088- 丁 噹 - 野獸 (真愛找麻煩 插曲) 089- 江美琪 - 完美分手 090- 五月天 - 乾杯 091- 周 蕙 - 不愛了也是一種愛 092- 王 菲 - 因為愛情 (ft. 陳奕迅) 093- 王心凌 - 陪我到以後 (Feat. 羅志祥) 094- 林俊傑 - 不存在的情人 095- 梁心頤 - Darling (愛情的兩張臉 微電影 主題曲) 096- 蕭敬騰 - 只能想念你 097- 張芸京 - 喘息 098- 羅志祥 - 愛走秀 099- 卓文萱 - 不要不要 (小資女孩向前衝 片頭曲) 100- 郁可唯 - 微加幸福 (小資女孩向前衝 片尾曲) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

ec8hc6 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Poison Music 台灣 108 閩南語金曲 華語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Poison Music 台灣 108 閩南語金曲 華語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Poison Music 台灣 108 閩南語金曲 語文版本: 華語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 南方唱片(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 【專輯名稱】:台灣108閩南語金曲(4) 6CD 【歌手名稱】:群星 【製作發行】:南方唱片 【發行日期】:2012年3月14日 CD 1 01- 問感情 - 蔡小虎 02- 今生只為你 - 陳隨意、唐儷 03- 愛你的理由 - 江志豐、張秀卿 04- 愛的堅持 - 林姍、翁立友 05- 疼惜 - 蔡小虎、龍千玉 06- 嘸甘 - 孫淑媚、霍正奇 07- 等我出頭天 - 陳隨意 08- 活是為著你 - 李明洋、朱海君 09- 一口飯 - 蔡秋鳳 10- 選擇你 - 張秀卿、江志豐 11- 分手在今夜 - 莊振凱 12- 感謝你 - 朱海君 13- 離別雨 - 孫淑媚 14- 牽袂條的手 - 王識賢 15- 刻字 - 張秀卿、翁立友 16- 人生的探戈 - 孫淑媚 CD 2 01- 求籤 - 翁立友 02- 寶貝子 - 林姍 03- 用心相疼痛 - 朱海君、李明洋 04- 癡情歌 - 孫淑媚 05- 一杯咖啡 - 江志豐 06- 情弦 - 張秀卿 07- 愛你辣 - 謝金燕 08- 用心愛的人 - 莊振凱、戴梅君 09- 傷心的喜酒 - 王識賢 10- 圍巾 - 謝金燕 11- 後悔啦 - 江志豐 12- 牽著你 - 翁立友、黃思婷 13- 憨人 - 謝金燕 14- 慣習 - 王識賢 15- 傷心再會 - 蔡秋鳳 16- 愛的鎖鏈 - 方瑞娥 CD 3 01- 戀戀沙崙站 - 翁立友 02- 我的愛 - 蔡小虎 03- 父母的心聲 - 孫淑媚 04- 落葉 - 張秀卿 05- 望君 - 林姍 06- 愛一個人 - 張秀卿、江志豐 07- 對你的思念 - 陳隨意 08- 請你緊放手 - 林姍 09- 切抹熄的燈火 - 陳雷 10- 相逢 - 高向鵬、方瑞娥 11- 情歌唱給自己聽 - 蔡秋鳳 12- 男人的汗 - 翁立友 13- 一生情 - 莊振凱、戴梅君 14- 水水的人生 - 張秀卿、李明洋 15- 放手 - 蔡小虎 16- 隨在你啦 - 陳雷 CD 4 01- 沒法度 - 江志豐 02- 多情啊 - 朱海君、翁立友 03- 紅塵緣 - 龍千玉、蔡小虎 04- 破鏡重圓 - 翁立友、龍千玉 05- 遺憾 - 蔡秋鳳、蔡小虎 06- 金線蓮 - 林姍、李明洋 07- 無人來做伴 - 翁立友、林姍 08- 愛過的痕跡 - 陳雷、蘇路 09- 恩愛 - 蔡秋鳳、蔡小虎 10- 月圓 - 高向鵬、唐儷、林良歡 11- 別讓我哭 - 林姍、羅時豐 12- 男人的淚女人的愛 - 林姍、江志豐 13- 平凡甲平安 - 曾心梅、林俊吉 14- 有你的日子 - 莊振凱、張瀛仁 15- 吃苦情歌 - 莊振凱、洪百慧 16- 愛情黑白話 - 陳雷、陳思安 CD 5 01- 愛情銀行 - 朱海君 02- 感情路 - 翁立友 03- 走若飛 - 張蓉蓉 04- 緣盡情未了 - 楊靜、莊振凱 05- 心嘸甘 - 蔡秋鳳 06- 望你再回頭 - 方瑞娥 07- 單身孤影 - 詹雅雯 08- 碗筷 - 林姍 09- 愛甲這呢癡 - 陳隨意 10- 今生最愛你 - 翁立友 11- 放伊飛 - 張蓉蓉 12- 承擔 - 李明洋 13- 籤詩 - 袁小迪 14- 放袂落 - 蔡小虎 15- 無緣戀夢 - 林姍 16- 想你的時陣 - 陳雷 CD 6 01- 何苦 - 翁立友 02- 海甲天 - 朱海君 03- 放蕩的靈魂 - 莊振凱 04- 傷心的探戈 - 張蓉蓉 05- 無情的愛人 - 翁立友 06- 放乎心去疼 - 詹雅雯 07- 笑情夢 - 方瑞娥 08- 心情歌路 - 詹雅雯 09- 我愛過 - 江蕙 10- 坎站 - 朱海君 11- 失戀雨 - 羅時豐 12- 留袂著的春天 - 朱海君 13- 後果 - 王識賢 14- 行棋 - 江志豐 15- 遙遠的美麗 - 蔡小虎 16- 風塵路 - 張蓉蓉 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

ec8hc6 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Billboard Hot 100 首 2012 年 7 月號 英語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Billboard Hot 100 首 2012 年 7 月號 英語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Billboard Hot 100 首 2012 年 7 月號 語文版本: 英語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 收錄了美國音樂排行榜 2012 年 7 月最受歡迎前 100 名流行樂曲 001 Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe 002 Maroon 5 - Payphone (feat. Wiz Khalifa) 003 Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know (feat. Kimbra) 004 Katy Perry - Wide Awake 005 Rihanna - Where Have You Been 006 Ellie Goulding - Lights 007 Fun. ft. Janelle Monae - We Are Young 008 Nicki Minaj - Starships 009 One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful 010 Usher - Scream 011 Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones 012 David Guetta ft. Sia - Titanium 013 The Wanted - Glad You Came 014 Pitbull - Back in Time 015 Kanye West - Mercy (feat. Big Sean, Pusha T, 2 Chainz) 016 Luke Bryan - Drunk On You 017 Karmin - Brokenhearted 018 Justin Bieber - Boyfriend 019 Train - Drive By 020 Eric Church - Springsteen 021 Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) 022 Calvin Harris - Feel So Close 023 Jason Mraz - I Won’t Give Up 024 Neon Trees - Everybody Talks 025 Demi Lovato - Give Your Heart a Break 026 Kenny Chesney - Come Over 027 Gym Class Heroes - The Fighter (feat. Ryan Tedder) 028 Wiz Khalifa - Work Hard, Play Hard 029 Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart 030 Drake ft. Lil Wayne - The Motto 031 Drake ft. Rihanna - Take Care 032 fun. - Some Nights 033 Katy Perry - Part Of Me 034 Kirko Bangz - Drank In My Cup 035 Calvin Harris - Let’s Go (feat. Ne-Yo) 036 Ca$hOut - Cashin’ Out 037 Dierks Bentley - 5-1-5-0 038 Havana Brown - We Run the Night (feat. Pitbull) 039 One Direction - One Thing 040 2 Chainz - No Lie (feat. Drake) 041 Carrie Underwood - Good Girl 042 Maroon 5 - One More Night 043 Usher - Climax 044 Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris - We Found Love 045 LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem 046 Trey Songz - Heart Attack 047 Kip Moore - Somethin’ ’Bout A Truck 048 Gloriana - (Kissed You) Good Night 049 Adele - Set Fire to the Rain 050 Brantley Gilbert - You Don’t Know Her Like I Do 051 Cher Lloyd - Want U Back 052 Nicki Minaj - Beez In The Trap (feat. 2 Chainz) 053 Linkin Park - Burn It Down 054 B.o.B - Both of Us (feat. Taylor Swift) 055 Little Big Town - Pontoon 056 Usher - Lemme See (feat. Rick Ross) 057 Grouplove - Tongue Tied 058 Flo Rida - Whistle 059 Toby Keith - Beers Ago 060 Hunter Hayes - Wanted 061 Young Jeezy - Leave You Alone (feat. Ne-Yo) 062 Rita Ora - How We Do (Party) 063 Love and Theft - Angel Eyes 065 Alex Clare - Too Close 065 J. Cole - Nobody’s Perfect (feat. Missy Elliott) 066 Drake ft. Lil Wayne - HYFR (Hell Yeah Fucking Right) 067 Rihanna - Birthday Cake (Remix) [feat. Chris Brown] 068 DJ Khaled - Take It to the Head (feat. Chris Brown, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj, & Lil Wayne) 069 Josh Turner - Time Is Love 070 The Band Perry - Postcard from Paris 071 Jason Aldean - Fly Over States 072 Justin Bieber - Beauty and a Beat (feat. Nicki Minaj) 073 Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks 074 The Lumineers - Ho Hey 075 The Wanted - Chasing the Sun 076 Blake Shelton - Over 077 Jana Kramer - Why Ya Wanna 078 Keith Urban - For You 079 Dustin Lynch - Cowboys And Angels 080 Jennifer Lopez - Dance Again (feat. Pitbull) 081 LoveRance - UP! (feat. 50 Cent) 082 Drake - Crew Love (feat. The Weeknd) 083 M83 - Midnight City 084 Nicki Minaj - Right By My Side (feat. Chris Brown) 085 Lil Wayne - My Homies Still (feat. Big Sean) 086 Meek Mill - Amen (feat. Drake) 087 Travis Porter - Ayy Ladies (feat. Tyga) 088 Lee Brice - Hard To Love 089 Imagine Dragons - It’s Time 090 Zac Brown Band - No Hurry 091 Thompson Square - Glass 092 Driicky Graham - Snapbacks & Tattoos 093 Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side 094 Chris Brown - Turn Up the Music 095 Justin Bieber - Right Here (feat. Drake) 096 Michel Telo - Ai Se Eu Te Pego 097 The Black Keys - Gold on the Ceiling 098 Skrillex - Bangarang (feat. Sirah) 099 B.o.B - So Good 100 Easton Corbin - Lovin’ You Is Fun -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Billboard Top 30 Country Songs 2012 年 7 月號 英語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Billboard Top 30 Country Songs 2012 年 7 月號 英語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Billboard Top 30 Country Songs 2012 年 7 月號 語文版本: 英語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.05 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 收錄了美國音樂排行榜 2012 年 7 月最受歡迎前 30 名鄉村樂曲 01-Luke Bryan - Drunk On You 02-Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart 03-Brantley Gilbert - You Don’t Know Her Like I Do 04-Eric Church - Springsteen 05-Dierks Bentley - 5-1-5-0 06-Kenny Chesney - Come Over 07-Gloriana - (Kissed You) Good Night 08-Toby Keith - Beers Ago 09-Tim Mcgraw - Better Than I Used To Be 10-Band Perry - Postcard From Paris 11-Josh Turner - Time Is Love 12-Love & Theft - Angel Eyes 13-Keith Urban -For You 14-Blake Shelton - Over 15-Jana Kramer - Why You Wanna 16-Dustin Lynch - Cowboys & Angels (Po Clean Edit) 17-Thomas Rhett - Something To Do With My Hands 18-Thompson Square - Glass 19-The Farm Inc. - Home Sweet Home 20-Hunter Hayes - Wanted 21-Kelly Clarkson - Mr. Know it All 22-Big & Rich - That’s Why I Pray 23-Easton Corbin - Lovin’ You Is Fun 24-Zac Brown Band - The Wind 25-Little Big Town - Pontoon 26-Alan Jackson - So You Don’t Have To Love Me Anymore 27-Lady Antebellum - Wanted You More 28-Chris Young - Neon 29-Rascal Flatts - Come Wake Me Up 30-Lee Brice - Hard To Love -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Billboard Top 100 Hits Of 2011 流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Billboard Top 100 Hits Of 2011 流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Billboard Top 100 Hits Of 2011 語文版本: 流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 收錄了美國音樂排行榜 2011 年度最受歡迎前 100 名流行樂曲 001. Adele - Rolling In the Deep (歌曲長度 03:48) 002. LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem (feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock) (歌曲長度 04:23) 003. Katy Perry - Firework (歌曲長度 03:48) 004. Katy Perry - E.T. (feat. Kanye West) (歌曲長度 03:51) 005. Pitbull - Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer) (歌曲長度 04:16) 006. Bruno Mars - Grenade (歌曲長度 03:42) 007. Cee Lo Green - Fuck You (歌曲長度 03:44) 008. Nicki Minaj - Super Bass (歌曲長度 03:20) 009. Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger (The Voice Performance) [feat. Christina Aguilera] (歌曲長度 03:21) 010. The Black Eyed Peas - Just Cant Get Enough (歌曲長度 03:39) 011. Jennifer Lopez - On the Floor (feat. Pitbull) (歌曲長度 03:51) 012. Rihanna - S&M (歌曲長度 04:04) 013. Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks (歌曲長度 03:58) 014. Katy Perry - Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) (歌曲長度 03:51) 015. Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are (歌曲長度 03:41) 016. Enrique Iglesias - Tonight (Im Lovin You) [feat. Ludacris & DJ Frank E] (歌曲長度 03:52) 017. P!nk - Raise Your Glass (歌曲長度 03:23) 018. Lady GaGa - Born This Way (歌曲長度 04:21) 019. P!nk - F kin Perfect (歌曲長度 03:34) 020. Rihanna & Drake - Whats My Name? (歌曲長度 04:23) 021. Chris Brown - Look At Me Now (feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes) (歌曲長度 03:44) 022. Jeremih & 50 Cent - Down On Me (feat. 50 Cent) (歌曲長度 03:48) 023. Lil Wayne - How to Love (歌曲長度 04:04) 024. ADELE - Someone Like You (歌曲長度 04:44) 025. One Republic - Good Life (歌曲長度 04:13) 026. Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song (歌曲長度 03:09) 027. Britney Spears - Till the World Ends (歌曲長度 03:58) 028. Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On (歌曲長度 04:00) 029. Lady GaGa - The Edge of Glory (歌曲長度 05:21) 030. Ke$ha - We R Who We R (歌曲長度 03:25) 031. Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow (歌曲長度 03:37) 032. Hot Chelle Rae - Tonight Tonight (歌曲長度 03:24) 033. Ke$ha - Blow (歌曲長度 03:40) 034. Bad Meets Evil - Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars) (歌曲長度 05:04) 035. The Band Perry - If I Die Young (歌曲長度 03:43) 036. Gym Class Heroes - Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) (歌曲長度 03:32) 037. The Black Eyed Peas - The Time (Dirty Bit) (歌曲長度 05:08) 038. Diddy - Dirty Money & Skylar Grey - Coming Home (歌曲長度 03:59) 039. Pitbull - Hey Baby (Drop It to the Floor) [feat. T-Pain] (歌曲長度 03:56) 040. Rihanna - Only Girl (In the World) (歌曲長度 03:56) 041. Lil Wayne - 6 Foot 7 Foot (feat. Cory Gunz) (歌曲長度 04:09) 042. Lady Antebellum - Just a Kiss (歌曲長度 03:41) 043. Jason Aldean - Dirt Road Anthem (歌曲長度 03:49) 044. Taio Cruz - Dynamite (歌曲長度 03:24) 045. Waka Flocka Flame - No Hands (feat. Roscoe Dash & Wale) (歌曲長度 04:27) 046. Britney Spears - I Wanna Go (歌曲長度 03:30) 047. DJ Khaled - Im On One (feat. Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne) (歌曲長度 04:59) 048. Cobra Starship - You Make Me Feel...(feat. Sabi) (歌曲長度 03:36) 049. Chris Brown - Yeah 3X (歌曲長度 04:01) 050. Nicki Minaj - Moment 4 Life Feat Drake (歌曲長度 04:39) 051. Dr. Dre - I Need a Doctor (feat. Eminem & Skylar Grey) (歌曲長度 04:44) 052. Nelly - Just a Dream (歌曲長度 03:58) 053. Kelly Rowland - Motivation Feat Lil Wayne (歌曲長度 03:51) 054. Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - Stereo Love (歌曲長度 04:09) 055. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (歌曲長度 04:07) 056. Wiz Khalifa - Roll Up (歌曲長度 03:51) 057. LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It (歌曲長度 03:20) 058. Far East Movement & Ryan Tedder - Rocketeer (歌曲長度 03:31) 059. Kanye West - All Of The Lights (歌曲長度 05:00) 060. Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me (歌曲長度 03:50) 061. Usher - More (歌曲長度 03:49) 062. Avril Lavigne - What The Hell (歌曲長度 03:41) 063. Tinie Tempah - Written In The Stars Feat Eric Turner (歌曲長度 03:40) 064. Trey Songz - Bottoms Up (feat. Nicki Minaj) (歌曲長度 04:02) 065. Usher - DJ Got Us Fallin In Love (feat. Pitbull) (歌曲長度 03:42) 066. The Script - For The First Time (歌曲長度 04:12) 067. Blake Shelton - Honey Bee (歌曲長度 03:31) 068. Jason Aldean - Don You Wanna Stay Feat Kelly Clarkson (歌曲長度 04:16) 069. Rihanna - We Found Love (feat. Calvin Harris) (歌曲長度 03:36) 070. Keri Hilson - Pretty Girl Rock (歌曲長度 04:04) 071. Lady GaGa - Yo?and I (歌曲長度 05:07) 072. Far East Movement, The Cataracs & Dev - Like a G6 (歌曲長度 03:37) 073. David Guetta & Usher - Without You (feat. Usher) (歌曲長度 03:28) 074. Taylor Swift - Back to December (歌曲長度 04:53) 075. Katy Perry - Teenage Dream (歌曲長度 03:48) 076. Eli Young Band - Crazy Girl (歌曲長度 03:21) 077. Rihanna - Cheers (Drink to That) (歌曲長度 04:22) 078. Selena Gomez & The Scene - Who Says (歌曲長度 03:15) 079. Jake Owen - Barefoot Blue Jean Night (歌曲長度 02:49) 080. Zac Brown Band - Knee Deep (feat. Jimmy Buffett) (歌曲長度 03:23) 081. Luke Bryan - Country Girl (Shake It for Me) (歌曲長度 03:48) 082. Brad Paisley - Remind Me (Duet with Carrie Underwood) (歌曲長度 04:32) 083. Dev - In the Dark (歌曲長度 03:49) 084. New Boyz - Backseat Feat The Cataracs & Dev (歌曲長度 03:44) 085. Drake - Headlines (歌曲長度 03:57) 086. Beyonc?- Best Thing I Never Had (歌曲長度 04:13) 087. Jason Dero - Don Wanna Go Home (歌曲長度 03:26) 088. David Guetta - Where Them Girls At (feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida) (歌曲長度 03:15) 089. Chris Brown - She Aint You (歌曲長度 04:08) 090. Rodney Atkins - Take a Back Road (歌曲長度 03:33) 091. Mike Posner - Please Dont Go (歌曲長度 03:17) 092. Miguel - Sure Thing (歌曲長度 03:17) 093. Jessie J - Price Tag Feat B.o.B (歌曲長度 03:41) 094. Blake Shelton - God Gave Me You (歌曲長度 03:50) 095. Lil Wayne - She Will (feat. Drake) (歌曲長度 05:07) 096. Thompson Square - Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not (歌曲長度 03:07) 097. Neon Trees - Animal (歌曲長度 03:32) 098. Kenny Chesney - You and Tequila (feat. Grace Potter) (歌曲長度 04:03) 099. Zac Brown Band - Colder Weather (歌曲長度 04:35) 100. Big Sean - My Last Feat Chris Brown (歌曲長度 04:15) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Billboard Hot 100 Hits Of 2010 流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Billboard Hot 100 Hits Of 2010 流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Billboard Hot 100 Hits Of 2010 語文版本: 流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 收錄了美國音樂排行榜 2010 年度最受歡迎前 100 名流行樂曲 001. Eminem Ft. Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie 002. Taio Cruz - Dynamite 003. Taylor Swift - Mine 004. Katy Perry Ft. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls 005. Enrique Iglesias Ft. Pitbull - I Like It 006. B.o.B. Ft. Hayley Williams & Eminem - Airplanes 007. Mike Posner - Cooler Than Me 008. Usher Ft. Pitbull - DJ Got Us Fallin In Love 009. Katy Perry - Teenage Dream 010. Jason Derulo - Ridin Solo 011. Travie McCoy Ft. Bruno Mars - Billionaire 012. Drake - Find Your Love 013. Usher Ft. will.i.am - OMG 014. Eminem - Not Afraid 015. B.o.B Ft. Rivers Cuomo - Magic 016. Nicki Minaj - Your Love 017. Maroon 5 - Misery 018. Kenny Chesney - The Boys Of Fall 019. Train - Hey, Soul Sister 020. Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are 021. Taio Cruz Ft. Ludacris - Break your heart 022. Lady Gaga - Alejandro 023. La Roux - Bulletproof 024. Flo Rida Ft. David Guetta - Club Cant Handle Me 025. Shontelle - Impossible 026. Paramore - The Only Exception 027. Ke$ha - Take It Off 028. Usher - There Goes My Baby 029. Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug 030. Sugarland - Stuck Like Glue 031. Cali Swag District - Teach Me How To Dougie 032. Lady Antebellum - Need You Now 033. Uncle Kracker - Smile 034. Soulja Boy Tellem - Pretty Boy Swag 035. Linkin Park - The Catalyst 036. Carrie Underwood - Undo It 037. Zac Brown Band - Free 038. Alicia Keys - Un-Thinkable (Im Ready) 039. Jerrod Niemann - Lover, Lover 040. John Mayer - Half Of My Heart 041. T.I. Ft. Keri Hilson - Got Your Back 042. 3OH!3 Ft. Ke$ha - My First Kiss 043. The Script - Breakeven 044. David Guetta & Chris Willis Ft. Fergie & LMFAO - Gettin Over You 045. Billy Currington - Pretty Good At Drinkin Beer 046. Sean Kingston Ft. Nicki Minaj - Letting Go (Dutty Love) 047. Lee Brice - Love Like Crazy 048. Ciara Ft. Ludacris - Ride 049. B.o.B Ft. Bruno Mars - Nothin On You 050. Jay Sean Ft. Nicki Minaj - 2012 (It Aint The End) 051. OneRepublic - Secrets 052. Train - If Its Love 053. Katy Perry - Not Like The Movies 054. Adam Lambert - If I Had You 055. Drake Ft. Lil Wayne - Miss Me 056. Chris Brown Ft. Tyga & Kevin McCall - Deuces 057. Selena Gomez & The Scene - Round And Round 058. The Band Perry - If I Die Young 059. Neon Trees - Animal 060. Auburn Ft. Iyaz - La La La 061. Lady Antebellum - Our Kind of Love 062. Keith Urban - Im In 063. Rick Ross Ft. Styles P - B.M.F. (Blowin Money Fast) 064. Sara Bareilles - King of Anything 065. Kanye West - Power 066. Luke Bryan - Rain Is A Good Thing 067. Colbie Caillat - I Never Told You 068. Rihanna Ft. Slash - Rockstar 101 069. Little Big Town - Little White Church 070. Blake Shelton - All About Tonight 071. Shakira Ft. Freshlyground - Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) 072. Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me 073. Young Jeezy Ft. Plies - Lose My Mind 074. Diddy - Dirty Money Ft. T.I - Hello Good Morning 075. Black Eyed Peas - Rock That Body 076. Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love 077. Nickelback - This Afternoon 078. Miranda Cosgrove - Kissin U 079. Pink - Glitter In The Air 080. Darius Rucker - Come Back Song 081. Ne-Yo - Champagne Life 082. Rodney Atkins - Farmers Daughter 083. Brad Paisley - Water 084. Bobby Brackins Ft. Ray J - 143 085. Josh Turner - All Over Me 086. Easton Corbin - Roll With It 087. New Boyz Ft. Iyaz - Break My Bank 088. Monica - Love All Over Me 089. Craig Morgan - This Aint Nothin 090. Fantasia - Bittersweet 091. Ne-Yo - Beautiful Monster 092. Jaron And The Long Road To Love - Pray For You 093. WE the Kings Ft. Demi Lovato - Well Be A Dream 094. Daughtry - September 095. Gyptian - Hold You (Hold Yuh) 096. The Script - The Man Who Cant Be Moved 097. Drake Ft. T.I. & Swizz Beatz - Fancy 098. Jason Aldean - Crazy Town 099. Ludacris Ft. Trey Songz - Sex Room 100. The Dirty Heads Ft. Rome - Lay Me Down -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Uriah Heep Discography 尤拉希普樂團 全記錄 流行樂精選【2片裝】
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Uriah Heep Discography 尤拉希普樂團 全記錄 流行樂精選【2片裝】

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Uriah Heep Discography 尤拉希普樂團 全記錄 語文版本: 流行樂精選 光碟片數: 2片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 音質取樣: 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: APE/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 英倫巨擘 Uriah Heep,由主唱 David Byron 和吉他手 Mick Box 組成,團員雖更 迭多次,Mick 卻始終支撐樂團達 40年之久。憑借其學院派前衛金屬風格,成為70 年代最受歡迎的硬搖滾樂隊。 首張專輯即令樂迷驚嘆不已,被譽為70年重金屬三大奠基石經典之一,自此開始紀 錄Uriah Heep的光榮音樂史跡! Uriah Heep是來自英國的硬式搖滾樂團,由於主唱的音色非常空靈飄渺,在鍵盤樂 器方面佔的份量也很重,因此有人把他們歸類為前衛搖滾樂團。 第一片內容 1970 - Very Eavy... Very Umble 1971 - Look At Yourself (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 1971 - Salisbury (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 1972 - Demons And Wizards (1996 Castle Remaster) 1972 - Demons And Wizards (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 1972 - The Magicians Birthday (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 1973 - Live.January.73 1973 - Sweet Freedom (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 1974 - Wonderworld (1996 Castle Remaster) 1975 - Return To Fantasy 1976 - High & Mighty 1977 - Firefly[Expanded.De-Luxe.Edition.2004].eac.flac.scans 1977 - Innocent Victim 1978 - Fallen Angel 1980 - Uriah Heep - Conquest (2003 Expanded DeLuxe Edition) 第二片內容 1982 - Abominog (Remastered 1997) 1983 - Head First 1985 - Equator 1989 - Raging Silence 1991 - Different World 1995 - Sea Of Light 1998 - Sonic Origami 2001 - Acoustically.Driven 2001 - Electrically.Driven A Time Of Revelation 4CD BOX Demons And Wizards (UK Heavy Prog 72 Exp. Edit. 03) Magic Night (Hybrid SACD - EAC-APE) The Lansdowne Tapes 2CD -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧APE是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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U2 Discography U2 合唱團 1980 - 2011 全記錄 流行樂精選【3片裝】
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

U2 Discography U2 合唱團 1980 - 2011 全記錄 流行樂精選【3片裝】

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: U2 Discography U2 合唱團 1980 - 2011 全記錄 語文版本: 流行樂精選 光碟片數: 3片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 音質取樣: 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: APE/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 時空拉回1980年, U2 當時還是四個不到二十歲的小伙子,他們各自跟家裡借了一 百英磅(台幣約6000元)當作旅費,在沒有任何計劃的情況下,他們決定一起離開家 鄉往英國倫敦闖一闖,看看能否找到他們的伯樂。誰也沒想到這區區一百英磅,就 真的讓他們在倫敦與Island唱片簽下了一紙國際性合約,這也寫下了他們變身搖滾 第一天團成功的第一頁! 回到現在,U2在樂壇的地位早已超越一般流行暢銷藝人,即使是掌握全球政治權力 核心的重量級人物也樂意與他們平起平坐,專心傾聽他們的想法。U2驚人且永不枯 竭的創作力被譽為「A Gift From God」, 是來自上帝最美好的恩賜!經過了近三 十年,當初的四個小伙子依然還是最親密的好友,U2已經成為世界上屈指可數的超 級樂團,他們讓世人瞭解 U2 背負著使命感做音樂的認真態度竟然可以如此無私、 無國界。如今「U2」這兩個字已經不僅僅代表一個樂團,而是代表了一個具有時代 意義的音樂現象! Albums (專輯) ◎U2 - Achtung Baby (1991) ◎U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind (2000) ◎U2 - Boy (1980) ◎U2 - How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb (2004) {UK Special Limited Edition} ◎U2 - No Line On The Horizon (2009) {Japanese Version} ◎U2 - October (1981) ◎U2 - Pop (1997) ◎U2 - Rattle And Hum (1988) ◎U2 - The Joshua Tree (1987) {MFSL UDCD 650 - 1996} ◎U2 - The Unforgettable Fire (1984) {MFSL UDCD 624 - 1995} ◎U2 - Under A Blood Red Sky (1983) (live) ◎U2 - War (1983) {MFSL UDCD 571 - 1993} ◎U2 - Zooropa (1993) Albums Compilation (合輯) ◎U2 - 18 Singles (2006) ◎U2 - The Best Of 1980-1990 + B-Sides (1998) {2 CD UK Pressing} ◎U2 - The Best Of 1990-2000 + B-Sides (2002) {2 CD UK Pressing} Albums Remastered (重壓版) ◎U2 - Achtung Baby (1991) (6-CD) {2011 Remaster} {20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition} ◎U2 - Boy (1980) (2-CD) {2008 Remaster, Deluxe Edition} ◎U2 - October (1981) (2-CD) {2008 Remaster, Deluxe Edition} ◎U2 - The Joshua Tree (1987) (2-CD) {2007 Remaster} {20th Anniversary Super Deluxe Ltd. Ed.} ◎U2 - The Unforgettable Fire (1984) (2-CD) {2009 Remaster} {25th Anniversary Super Deluxe Ltd. Ed.} ◎U2 - Under A Blood Red Sky (1983) {2008 Remaster, Deluxe Edition} ◎U2 - War (1983) (2-CD) {2008 Remaster, Deluxe Edition} EP (單曲) ◎U2 - 7 (2002) {Target Exclusive CD} ◎U2 - Wide Awake In America (1985) Fan Club Only Releases (歌迷俱樂部獨享) ◎U2 - Artificial Horizon (2010) ◎U2 - Duals (2011) ◎U2 - Go Home - Live from Slane Castle (2007) ◎U2 - Hasta La Vista Baby! (2000) ◎U2 - Melon (1995) ◎U2 - U2 Medium, Rare & Remastered (2009) ◎U2 - U2.Communication (2005) ◎U2 - Zoo TV Live (2006) Original Soundtracks (原聲帶) ◎Passengers - Original Soundtracks 1 (1995) (U2 & Brian Eno) ◎The Edge - Captive (1986) ◎Various Artists - In The Name Of The Father (1994) ◎Various Artists - Spider-Man (Turn Off The Dark) (2011) {Original Broadway Cast Recording} ◎Various Artists - The Million Dollar Hotel (2000) (U2) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧APE是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 50 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 50 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 50 年代金曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 與 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: MP3/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 50 年代金曲光碟收錄了 FLAC 高音質與 MP3 普通音質兩種格式 CD1: 01 - Andrews Sisters - Down In The Valley 02 - Anton Karas - Harry Lime Theme 03 - Billy Eckstine - I Apologize 04 - Johnn Ray - Cry 05 - Chico’s & Tom’s Prairie Pioneers - Koel Water 06 - Annie De Reuver & Karel Van De Velden - Kijk Eens In De Poppetjes Van Mijn Ogen 07 - Guy Mitchell - My Truly, Truly Fair 08 - Mantovani & His Orchestra - Charmaine 09 - Patti Page - I Went To Your Wedding 10 - Eddy Christiani - Spring Maar Achterop 11 - Hank Williams - Jambalaya 12 - Frankie Laine - High Noon 13 - Ramblers - Zeeman, O Zeeman 14 - Mills Brothers - The Glow Worm 15 - Mario Lanza - Because You’re Mine 16 - Vera Lynn - From The Time You Say Goodbye 17 - Rosemary Clooney - Butch-A-Me 18 - Louis Armstrong - La Vie En Rose 19 - Marilyn Monroe - Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend 20 - Danny Kaye - Wonderful Copenhagen 21 - Jim Reeves - Bimbo 22 - Patti Page - That Doggie In The Window 23 - Percy Faith & His Orchestra - The Song From Moulin Rouge 24 - Bill Haley & His Comets - Shake, Rattle & Roll CD2: 01 - Bill Haley & His Comets - Rock Arround The Clock 02 - Leroy Anderson - The Typewriter 03 - Edmundo Ross & His Orchestra - Londen Is The Place For Me 04 - Chordettes - Mr Sandman 05 - Four Aces - Three Coins In The Fountain 06 - Orkest Zonder Naam - Lentekind 07 - Willem Parel - Daar Is De Orgelman 08 - Four Aces - Amor 09 - Maria Zamora Y Sus Muchachos - Mama El Baion 10 - Rudi Schuricke - Warum Weinst Du Kleine Tamara 11 - Crew Cuts - Sh-Boom 12 - McGuire Sisters - Goodnight Sweetheart, Goodnight 13 - Platters - The Great Pretender 14 - Tony Bennett - Stranger In Paradise 15 - Chuck Berry - Maybellene 16 - Willy Alberti - Als Een Wilde Orchidee 17 - Perez Prado - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White 18 - Louis Armstrong & The All Stars - Mack The Knife 19 - Mitch Miller - The Yellow Rose Of Texas 20 - Bo Diddley - Bo Diddley 21 - Platters - Only You 22 - Little Richard - Rip It Up 23 - Guy Mitchell - Singing The Blues 24 - Freddy Quinn - Heimweh CD3: 01 - Little Richard - Tutti Frutti 02 - Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes 03 - Doris Day - Whatever Will Be, Will Be 04 - Danny & The Juniors - At the hop 05 - Pat Boone - Love Letters In The Sand 06 - Winifred Atwell - The Black And White Rag 07 - Debbie Reynolds - Tammy 08 - Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue 09 - Brenda Lee - Dynamite 10 - Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire 11 - Harry Belafonte - Banana Boat 12 - Paul Anka - Diana 13 - Perry Como - Catch A Falling Star 14 - Maria Dolores - Los Paraguayos 15 - Herman Emmink - Tulpen Uit Amsterdam 16 - Dorus - Twee motten 17 - Corry Brokken - Messenwerper 18 - De Selvera’s - De Postkoets 19 - Joop De Knecht - Ik Sta Op Wacht 20 - Buddy Holly & The Crickets - That’ll Be The Day 21 - Boone, Pat - Bernadine 22 - Billy Vaughn - Sail Along Silv’ry Moon 23 - Caterina Valente - Spiel Noch Einmal Fur Mich Habanero 24 - Schriebl & Hupperts - Schneewalzer CD4: 01 - Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream 02 - Ritchie Valens - Donna 03 - Champs - Tequila 04 - Chuck Berry - Sweet Little Sixteen 05 - Perry Como - Mandolins In The Moonlight 06 - Domenico Modugno - Volare 07 - Kalin Twins - When 08 - Coasters - Yakety Yak 09 - Bobby Darin - Splish Splash 10 - Butterflies - Willem, Wordt Wakker 11 - Don Gibson - Oh Lonesome Me 12 - Zangeres Zonder Naam - Ach Vaderlief 13 - Teddy Scholten - ’n Beetje 14 - Fouryo’s - Zeg Niet Nee 15 - Sarah Vaughan - Broken Hearted Melody 16 - Freddy Quinn - Die Gitarre Und Das Meer 17 - Lloyd Price - Personality 18 - Big Bopper - Chantilly Lace 19 - Connie Francis - Lipstick On Your Collar 20 - Louis Armstrong & Gabriele - Uncle Satchmo’s Lullaby 21 - Rocco Granata - Marina 22 - Dinah Washington - What A Difference A Day Makes 23 - Bert Kaempfert - Morgen (One More Sunrise) 24 - Andy Williams - The Hawaiian Wedding Song -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 60 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 60 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 60 年代金曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 與 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: MP3/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 60 年代金曲光碟收錄了 FLAC 高音質與 MP3 普通音質兩種格式 60’s Vol.1 CD1 01. Neil Sedaka - Oh! Carol 02. Blue Diamonds - Ramona 03. Corry Brokken - Milord 04. Jim Reeves - He’ll Have To Go 05. Brian Hyland - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini 06. Emile Ford & The Checkmates - What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For 07. Johnny And The Hurricanes - Red River Rock 08. Guy Mitchell - Heartaches By The Number 09. Rudi Carrel - Wat Een Geluk 10. Johnny Preston - Running Bear 11. Brenda Lee - I’m Sorry 12. Frankie Avalon - Why 13. Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her 14. Billy Vaughn - Wheels 15. Eddie Hodges - I’m Gonna Knock On Your Door 16. Willy Schobben - Mexico 17. Allisons, The - Are You Sure 18. Digno Garcia - Brigitte Bardot 19. Paul Anka - Dance On Little Girl 20. Del Shannon - Runaway 21. Los Machucambos - Pepito 22. Gerhard Wendland - Tanze Mit Mir In Den Morgen 24. Connie Francis - Paradiso 25. Chubby Checker - Let’s Twist Again 60’s Vol.1 CD2 01. Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzales 02. Tommy Roe - Sheila 03. Bobby Vinton - Roses Are Red (My Love) 04. Dave Brubeck - Take Five 05. De Spelbrekers - Katinka 06. Marty Robbins - Devil Woman 07. Mr Acker Bilk - Stranger On The Shore 08. Beach Boys, The - Surfin’ Safari 09. Rocco Granata - Buona Notte Bambino 10. Gert Timmerman - Ik Heb Eerbied Voor Jou Grijze Haren 11. Willeke Alberti - Spiegelbeeld 12. Freddy Quinn - Junge, Komm Bald Wieder 13. Rob De Nijs - Ritme Van De Regen 14. Francoise Hardy - Tous Les Garcons Et Les Filles 15. Contours, The - Do You Love Me 16. West Side Story Film Cast - Maria 17. Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman 18. Lucille Starr - The french song 19. Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go 20. Louis Armstrong - Hello Dolly 21. Dale & Grace - I’m Leaving It Up To You 22. Julie Rogers - The Wedding 23. Migil Five - Mockingbird Hill 24. Dusty Springfield - I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself 25. Los Indios Tabajaras - Maria Elena 60’s Vol.1 CD3 01. Chuck Berry - You Never Can Tell 02. Johnny & His Cellar Rockers - Close Your Eyes 03. Gene Pitney - Twenty Four Hours From Tulsa 04. Terry Stafford - Suspicion 05. Dave Berry - This Strange Effect 06. Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs - Wooly Bully 07. Scorpions - Hello Josephine 08. Jewel Akens - The Birds And The Bees 09. Nini Rosso - Il Silenzio 10. Petula Clark - Downtown 11. Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man 12. Fortunes - You’ve Got Your Troubles 13. Barry McGuire - Eve Of Destruction 14. ZZ & The Maskers - Goldfinger 16. Johnny Lion - Sophietje 17. Trio Hellenique - La Dance De Zorba 18. Searchers - Goodbye My Love 19. Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody 20. Roger Miller - King Of The Road 21. Ivy League - Tossing And Turning 22. McCoys - Hang On Sloopy 60’s Vol.2 CD1 01. Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Woman 02. Stevie Wonder - Blowin’ In The Wind 03. The Troggs - Wild Thing 04. The Overlanders - Michelle 05. Ramses Shaffy - Sammy 06. The Mama’s & Papa’s - Monday Monday 07. Tom Jones - Green Green Grass Of Home 08. Jim Reeves - Distant Drums 09. Sandpipers - Guantanamera 10. Bobby Hebb - Sunny 11. James Brown - It’s A Man’s Man’s World 12. Los Bravos - Black Is Black 13. Searchers - Take It Or Leave It 14. The Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin’ 15. The Herd - From The Underworld 16. Armand - Ben Ik Te Min 17. The Walkers Brothers - The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore 18. Dave Davies - Death Of A Clown 19. Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich - Zabadak 20. Sandie Shaw - Puppet On A String 21. Whistling Jack Smith - I Was Kaisers Bill’s Batman 22. Tim Hardin - How Can We Hang On To A Dream 23. Engelbert Humperdinck - Release Me 24. Roger Whittaker - If I Were A Rich Man 25. Johnny & Rijk - De Bostello 60’s Vol.2 CD2 01. Van Morrison - Brown Eyed Girl 02. Kinks - Waterloo Sunset 03. Boudewijn De Groot - Het Land Van Maas En Waal 04. Scott McKenzie - San Fransisco 05. Tremeloes - Silence Is Golden 06. Manfred Mann - Mighty Quinn 07. Nina Simone - Ain’t Got No. I Got Life 08. The Marmalade - Ob La Di Ob La Da 09. Barry Ryan - Eloise 10. The Marbles - Only One Woman 11. Fleetwood Mac - Need Your Love So Bad 12. The Casuals - Jesamine 13. Aphrodite’s Child - Rain And Tears 14. Four Tops - If I Were A Carpenter 15. Eric Burdon & The Animals - San Franciscan Nights 16. Ester & Abi Ofarim - Cinderella Rockafella 17. Gary Puckett & Union Gap - Young Girl 18. Billy Joe Royal - Hush 19. Georgie Fame - The Ballad Of Bonnie & Clyde 20. Marty Wilde - Abergavenny 21. Jaques Dutronc - Il Est Cinq Heures, Paris s’Eveille 22. Paul Mauriat - Love Is Blue 23. Herb Alpert - This Guy’s In Love With You 24. Andy Williams - Battle Hymn Of The Republic 25. Heintje - Ich Bau Dir Ein Schloss 60’s Vol.2 CD3 01. Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson 02. Donovan - Atlantis 03. Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin 04. Shoes - Don’t You Cry For A Girl 05. Zen - Hair 06. Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues 07. Cream - White Room 08. Grapefruit - Deep Water 09. David Bowie - Space Oddity 10. Melanie - Beautiful People 12. Herman van Veen - Susanne 13. Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh, Happy Days 14. The Shuffles - Sha La La, I Need You 15. Sir Douglas Quintet - Mendocino 16. Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue 17. Zager & Evans - In The Year 2525 18. Ramses Shaffy & Liesbeth List - Pastorale 19. Robin Gibb - Saved By The Bell 20. Joe Dassin - Les Champs Des Elysees 21. Ekseption - The 5th 22. Frida Boccara - Cent Mille Chansons -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 70 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 70 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 70 年代金曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 與 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: MP3/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 70 年代金曲光碟收錄了 FLAC 高音質與 MP3 普通音質兩種格式 70’s Vol.1 CD1 01. Melanie - Lay Down 02. Pacific Gas & Electric - Are You Ready 03. Smokey Robinson & The Miracles - The Tears Of A Clown 04. Blood, Sweat & Tears - Hi-De-Ho 05. M.A.S.H. - Suicide Is Painless 06. The Moody Blues - Question 07. Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa 08. Shocking Blue - Venus 09. Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime 10. Norman Greenbaum - Spirit In The Sky 11. Guess Who - American Woman 12. Black Sabbath - Paranoid 13. The Tee Set - She Likes Weeds 14. The Family Dogg & Steve Rowland - Sympathy 15. The Kinks - Lola 16. Samantha Jones - My Way 17. Dana - All Kinds Of Everything 18. Christie - Yellow River 19. Roger Whittaker - I Don’t Believe In If Anymore 20. Corry & De Rekels - Huilen Is Voor Jou Te Laat 21. The Marmalade - Reflections Of My Life 70’s Vol.1 CD2 01. Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit 02. The Byrds - Chestnut Mare 03. Bob Dylan - Wigwam 04. Rod Stewart - Maggie May 05. Sandy Coast - True Love That’s A Wonder 06. Greenfield & Cook - Only Lies 07. Euson - Both Sides Now 08. White Plains - When You’re A King 09. Sly & The Family Stone - Family Affair 10. Greyhound - Black & White 12. Michael Nesmith & The First National Band - Silver Moon 14. Ekseption - Peace Planet 15. Dave & Ansil Collins - Double Barrel 16. Jacques Herbes - Manuela 17. Juan Bastos - Loop Di Love 18. Georgie Fame & Alan Price - Rosetta 19. Sandra & Andres - Those Words 20. Middle Of The Road - Soley Soley 21. Peret - Borriquitto 22. Mouth & MacNeal - How Do You Do 70’s Vol.1 CD3 01. Gilbert O’Sullivan - Nothing Rhymed 03. Lynn Anderson - Rosegarden 04. New Seekers - Beg, Steal Or Borrow 05. Elvis Presley - I Just Can’t Help Believin’ 06. Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale 07. Michael Jackson - Ben 08. Nilsson - Without You 09. Buoys - Give Up Your Guns 10. Peter Skellern - You’re A Lady 11. Cornelis Vreeswijk - Veronica 12. Dr Hook & The Medicine Show - Sylvia’s Mother 13. Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes 14. Sweet - Poppa Joe 16. Earth & Fire - Memories 17. Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone 18. O’Jays - Backstabbers 19. Chicory Tip - Son Of My Father 20. Slade - Look Wat You Don 21. Johnny Cash - A Thing Called Love 22. Andy Williams - Speak Softly Love 23. Lynsey De Paul - Sugar Me 70’s Vol.2 CD1 01. The Three Degrees - Dirty Ol’ Man 02. Demis Roussos - My Friend The Wind 03. Dawn - Tie A Yellow Ribbon ’Round The Ole Oak Tree 04. Redbone - We Were All Wounded At Wounded Knee 05. Chi Coltrane - Go Like Elijah 06. Mort Shuman - Le Lac Majeur 07. Gerard Cox - ’T Is Weer Voorbij Die Mooie Zomer 08. Sharif Dean - Do You Love Me 09. Mocedades - Eres Tu 10. Albert Hammond - The Free Electric Band 11. Anne Marie David - Tu Te Reconna Tras 12. Dave Edmunds - Born To Be With You 13. Chris Montez - Ay No Digas 14. Stealers Wheel - Late Again 15. Janis Joplin - Me And Bobby McGee 16. Steve Miller Band - The Joker 17. The Rubettes - Sugar Baby Love 18. Billy Swan - I Can Help 19. Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet 20. Charlie Rich - The Most Beautiful Girl 21. Paul Da Vinci - Your Baby Ain’t Your Baby Anymore 70’s Vol.2 CD2 01. Sparks - This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us 02. The Hues Corporation - Rock The Boat 03. Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun 04. Roger Glover & Guests - Love Is All 05. Labelle - Lady Marmalade 06. Dave - Dansez Maintenant 07. Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man 08. Kamahl - The Elephant Song 09. Moments & Whatnauts - Girls 10. Shirley & Co - Shame, Shame, Shame 11. Jim Gilstrap - Swing Your Daddy 12. Barry & Eileen - If You Go 13. Sailor - Sailor 14. Status Quo - Roll Over Lay Down 15. Afric Simone - Ramaya 16. Mike Berry - Tribute To Buddy Holly 17. Dennie Christian - Rosamunde 18. The Stylistics - Can’t Give You Anything 19. Teach In - Ding A Dong 20. People’s Choice - Do It Anyway You Wanna 21. Wild Cherry - Play That Funky Music 22. Van McCoy - The Hustle 23. Johnny Nash - Tears On My Pillow 70’s Vol.2 CD3 01. Sammy Davis Jr. - Barreta’s Theme 02. Peter Frampton - Show Me The Way 03. Brotherhood Of Man - Save Your Kisses For Me 04. The Manhattans - Kiss And Say Goodbye 05. Sutherland Brothers & Quiver - The Arms Of Mary 06. Nazareth - Love Hurts 07. Don Mercedes - Rocky 08. Jesse Green - Nice And Slow 09. Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart 10. John Miles - Music 11. Tina Charles - I Love To Love 12. Gerard Lenorman - La Ballade Des Gens Heurreux 13. Johnny Wakelin - In Zaire 14. Marianne Rosenberger - Ich Bin Wie Du 15. Full House - Standing On The Inside 16. Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night 17. Jimmy James & The Vagabonds - Now Is The Time 18. The Real Thing - You To Me Are Everything 19. Lee Towers - You Never Walk Alone 20. Walker Brothers - No Regrets 21. John Denver - Annie’s Song 70’s Vol.3 CD1 01. Meatloaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light 02. Dr - Buzzard’s Original Savannah Band - Cherchez La Femme 03. Julie Covington - Don’t Cry For Me Argentina 04. Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene IV 05. Alessi Brothers - Oh Lori 06. Thelma Houston - Don’t Leave Me This Way 07. Rose Royce - Car Wash 08. Boston - More Than A Feeling 10. Hall & Oats - Rich Girl 11. Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie 12. Johnny Guitar Watson - Real Mother For Ya 13. Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Egyptian Reggae 14. Santa Esmeralda - Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood 15. The Floaters - Float On 16. Dillinger - Cokane In My Brain 17. Long Tall Ernie & The Shakers - Do You Remember 18. Danny Mirror - I Remember Elvis Presley 19. Boz Scaggs - What Can I Say 70’s Vol.3 CD2 01. Donna Summer - I Feel Love 02. Barry Manilow - Copacabana 03. Santana - She’s Not There 04. Jeff Wayne & Justin Hayward - The Eve Of The War 05. Amanda Lear - Follow Me 06. Rafaella Cara - A Far L’amore Comincia Tu 07. Bonnie Tyler - It’a A Heartache 08. BZN - Lady McCorey 09. Clout - Substitute 10. Luv - You’re The Greatest Lover 11. 10CC - Dreadlock Holiday 12. Commodores, The - Three Times A Lady 13. Sweet, The - Love Is Like Oxygen 14. Ram Jam - Black Betty 15. Mother’s Finest - Piece Of The Rock 16. Earth Wind & Fire - Fantasy 17. Johnny Mathis & Denice Williams - Too Much, Too Little, Too Late 18. La Bionda - One For You One For Me 19. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive 20. Massada - Arumbai 70’s Vol.3 CD3 01. Abba - Does Your Mother Know 02. Michael Jackson - Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough 03. Duncan Browne - The Wild Places 04. Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star 05. Boomtown Rats - I Don’t Like Mondays 06. Status Quo - Whatever You Want 07. Kayak - Ruthless Queen 08. M - Pop Muzik 09. Kelly Family - Who’ll Come With Me 10. Eruption - One Way Ticket 11. Sugarhill Gang - Rapper’s Delight 12. Earth Wind & Fire - Weekend 13. Golden Earring - Weekend Love 14. Ellen Foley - We Belong To The Night 15. Jacksons - Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) 16. ELO - Don’t Bring Me Down 17. Cheap Trick - I Want You To Want Me (Live) 18. Pointer Sisters - Fire 19. Art Garfunkel - Bright Eyes 20. Peaches & Herb - Reunited -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 80 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 80 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 80 年代金曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 與 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: MP3/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 80 年代金曲光碟收錄了 FLAC 高音質與 MP3 普通音質兩種格式 80’s Vol.1 CD1 01. ABBA - The Winner Takes It All 02. Spargo - You And Me 03. Stephanie Mills - Never Knew Love Like This Before 04. BZN - Pearlydumm 05. Lipps Inc. - Funkytown 06. Goombay Dance Band - Sun Of Jamaica 07. Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria 08. Diana Ross - Upside Down 09. Captain & Tennille - Do That To Me One More Time 10. Kool And The Gang - Celebration 11. The Nolans - I’m In The Mood For Dancing 12. Stray Cats - Runaway Boys 13. Dan Hartman - Relight My Fire 14. Johnny Logan - What’s Another Year 15. The Gibson Brothers - Que Sera Mi Vida 16. Godley & Creme - An Englishman In New York 17. Garland Jeffreys - Matador 18. Billy Preston & Syreeta - With You I’m Born Again 19. Kelly Marie - Feels Like I’m In Love 80’s Vol.1 CD2 01. The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 02. Alvin Stardust - Pretend 03. Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind 04. Champaign - How Bout Us 05. Anita Meyer - Why Tell Me Why 06. Stars On 45 - Stars On 45 Medley 07. Rick James - Super Freak 08. Grace Jone - I’ve Seen That Face Before 09. Yarbrough & Peoples - Don’t Stop The Music 10. Love Unlimited - I’m So Glad That I’m A Woman 11. The Jacksons - Can You Feel It 12. Kim Wilde - Cambodia 13. Ottawan - Hand Up 14. Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood 15. Tom Browne - Funkin’ For Jamaica 16. Roger Daltry - Without Your Love 17. Viola Wills - If You Could Read My Mind 18. Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots 19. Electric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight 20. Earth Wind & Fire - Let’s Groove 80’s Vol.1 CD3 01. Golden Earring - Twilight Zone 02. Musical Youth - Pass The Dutchie 03. June Lodge & Prince Mohammed - Someone Loves You Honey 04. Tight Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight 05. Nicole - Ein Bisschen Frieden 06. Nova - Aurora 07. Toto - Africa 08. Men At Work - Down Under 09. Dr - Hook - Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk 10. F.R. David - Words 11. Yazoo - Don’t Go 12. Frida - I Know There’s Something Going On 13. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing 14. Shakin’ Stevens - Oh Julie 15. Four Tops - Don’t Walk Away 16. Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Annie I’m Not Your Daddy 17. Dexy’s Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen 18. Jon & Vangelis - I’ll Find My Way Home 19. Lori Spee - How Many Times 20. James Last - Biscaya 80’s Vol.2 CD1 01. Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon 02. The Nits - Nescio 03. Time Bandits - I’m Specialized In You 04. Dolly Dots - Love Me Just A Little Bit More 05. Stars On 45 - Proudley Presents Star Sisters 06. Indeep - Last Night The DJ Saved My Live 07. Grantmaster Flash - The Message 08. Irene Cara - Fame 09. Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night 10. Bow Wow Wow - Do You Wanna Hold Me 11. Tracy Ullman - Breakaway 12. Electric Light Orchestra - Rock ’N Roll Is King 13. New Order - Blue Monday 14. Kids From Fame - Starmaker 15. Doe Maar - Pa 16. Carlos Santana & Willie Nelson - They All Went To Mexico 17. Dolly Parton - You Are 18. Dionne Warwick - All The Love In The World 80’s Vol.2 CD2 01. Lionel Richie - All Night Long 02. VOF De Kunst - Susanne 03. Nena - 99 Luftballons 04. Clannad - Theme From Harry’s Game 05. Snowy White - Bird Of Paradise 06. Jim Diamond - I Should Have Know Better 07. Paul Young - Love Of The Comman People 08. Tim Finn - Fraction Too Much Friction 09. Cyndi Lauper - Gils Just Want To Have Fun 10. Rockwell - Somebody’s Watching Me 11. Frank Boeijen Groep - Zwart Wit 12. Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy 13. Hall & Oates - Adult Education 14. Alan Parsons Project - Don’t Answer Me 15. Danny De Munk - Ik Voel Me Zo Verdomd Alleen 16. Commodores - Nightshift 17. Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F 18. Modern Talking - You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul 80’s Vol.2 CD3 01. Elton John - Nikita 02. Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok 03. Tears For Fears - Shout 04. King - Love & Pride 05. Cock Robin - The Promide You Make 06. Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian 07. Mc Miker G & DJ Sven - Holiday Rap 08. Communards - Don’t Leave Me This Way 09. El Debarge - Who’s Johnny 10. Level 42 - Lessons In Love 11. Billy Ocean - When The Going Gets Tough 12. Europe - The Final Countdown 13. Survivor - Burning Heart 14. Mr - Mister - Broken Wings 15. Falco - Jeanny 16. Berlin - Take My Breath Away 17. Spandau Ballet - Trough The Barricades 80’s Vol.3 CD1 01. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up 02. Lionel Richie - Se La 03. Terence Trent D’Arby - Wishing Well 04. Robert Cray Band - Right Next Door 05. Erasure - Sometimes 06. Jan Hammer - Crockett’s Theme 07. Jacky Wilson - Reet Petite 08. Nina Simone - My Baby Just Care For Me 09. Black - Wonderful Life 10. Level 42 - Running In The Family 11. Tony Esposito - Papa Chico 12. Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now 13. Piet Veerman - Salin’ Home 14. Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down 15. Marrs - Pump Up The Volume 16. Joe Jackson - Is Se Realy Going Out With Him (Live) 17. Inxs - Never Tear Us Apart 18. Godley & Creme - A Little Piece Of Heaven 19. Glenn Medeiros - Nothing’s Gonna Chance My Love For You 80’s Vol.3 CD2 01. Wet Wet Wet - Angel Eyes 02. Won Ton Ton - I Lie And I Cheat 03. The Pasadena’s - Tribute (Right One) 04. Toto - Stop Loving You 05. Eric Clapton - Wonderful Tonight 07. Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart 08. Fairground Attraction - Perfect 09. Robin Beck - The First Time 10. Womack & Womack - Teardrops 11. Yazz & The Plastic Population - The Only Way Is Up 12. Kim Wilde - Never Trust A Stranger 13. Sam Brown - Stop 14. Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy 15. Bill Withers - Lovely Day (88 Remix) 16. Bros - I Owe You Nothing 17. Freiheit - Play It Cool 18. Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car 80’s Vol.3 CD3 01. Guns ’N Roses - Patience 02. Lisa Stansfield - All Around The World 03. Fine Young Cannabals - She Drives Me Crazy 04. Rene Froger & Het Goede Doel - Een Eigen Huis 05. Milli Vanilli - Girl I’m Gonna Mis You 06. Candy Dulfer & Dave Stewart - Lily Was Here 07. Margaret Singana - We Are Growing 08. Tears For Fears - Sowing The Seeds of Love 09. Lil’ Louis - French Kiss 10. Holly Johnson - Americanos 11. De La Soul - Me Myself And I 12. Jason Donovan - Too Many Broken Hearts 13. Bangles, The - Eternal Flame 14. Alice Cooper - Poison 15. Malcom McLaren - Something’s Jumping In Your Shirt 16. Lisa Lisa & Cult Jim - Little Jackie Wants To Be A Star 17. Bobby Brown - My Prerogative 18. Jive Bunny And The Mastermixers - Swing The Mood -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 90 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 90 年代金曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 90 年代金曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 與 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: MP3/FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Greatest Hits Of The Millennium 90 年代金曲光碟收錄了 FLAC 高音質與 MP3 普通音質兩種格式 90’s Vol.1 CD1 01. Wet Wet Wet - Goodnight Girl 02. Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 03. Maria McKee - Show Me Heaven 04. Mecano - Hijo De La Luna 05. Elton John - Sacrifice 06. Vaya Con Dios - What’s A Woman 07. Eros Ramazotti - Se Bastasse Una Canzone 08. New Kids On The Block - Tonight 09. Snap - The Power 10. Candy Dulfer - Saxuality 11. Londonbeat - I’ve Been Thinking About You 12. Matthias Reim - Verdammt Ich Lieb’ Dich 13. Inxs - Suicide Blonde 14. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet 15. Christians - Words 16. Adamski - Killer 17. Incognito - Always There 18. Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song 19. Dire Straits - Calling Elvis 90’s Vol.1 CD2 01. Extreme - More Than Words 02. Zucchero & Paul Young - Senza Una Donna 03. Simply Red - Something Got Me Started 04. Color Me Badd - I Wanna Sex You Up 05. Shanice - I Love Your Smile 06. Chrystal Waters - Gypsy Woman 07. C&C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat 08. Candyman - Knockin’ Boots 09. Ten Sharp - You 10. Golden Earring - Going To The Run 11. Scorpions, The - Wind Of Change 12. Garland Jeffreys - Hail Hail Rock ’N Roll 13. Patrick Bruel - Casser La Voix (Live) 14. Lionel Ritchie - My Destiny 15. Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La Long) 16. Dr Alban - It’s My Life 17. Kriss Kross - Jump 18. Mr. Big - To Be With You 19. Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last 90’s Vol.2 CD1 01. Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever 02. REM - Drive 03. Sade - No Ordinary Love 04. Alison Moyet - This House 05. Meat Loaf - I’d Do Anything For Love 06. UB40 - Can’t Help Falling In Love 07. Laura Pausini - La Solitudine 08. 4 Non Blondes - What’s Up 09. Culture Beat - Mr Vain 10. 2 Unlimited - No Limit 11. Rene Klein - Mr Blue 12. Paul De Leeuw - Vlieg Met Me Mee 13. Spin Doctors - Two Princess 14. Radios - She Goes Na Na Na 15. Snow - Informer 16. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train 17. Duran Duran - Ordinary World 90’s Vol.2 CD2 01. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe 02. Reel & Reel - I Like To Move It 03. Capella - Move On Baby 04. Youssou N’Dour & Neneh Cherry - 7 Seconds 05. Cresh Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm 06. Andre Rieu - Second Waltz 07. De Dijk - Als Ze Er Niet Is 08. Enigma - Return To Innocence 09. Celine Dion - Pour Que Tu M’aimes Encore 10. Clouseau - Passie 11. Guus Meeuwis - Het Is Een Nacht (live) 12. Coolio - Gangsta’s Paradise 13. Take That - Back For Good 14. Scatman John - Scatman 15. La Bouche - Be My Lover 16. Diana King - Shy Guy 17. Everything But The Girl - Missing 18. Duke - So In Love Whit You 19. Simple Minds - She’s A River 90’s Vol.3 CD1 01. Marco Borsato - De Waarheid 02. Fluitsma & Van Tijn - 15 Miljoen Mensen 03. Captain Jack - Captain Jack 04. Fool’s Garden - Lemon Tree 05. Ricky Martin - Maria 06. R. Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly 07. Katrina & The Waves - Love Shine A Light 08. Hanson - Mmmbop 09. Eternal - I Wanna Be The Only One 10. Freek De Jonge & Stips - Leven Na De Dood 11. T Spoon - Sex On The Beach (Ibiza Radio Mix) 12. De Kast - In Nije Dei (Live) 13. Az Yet - Hard To Say I’m Sorry 14. Will Smith - Gettin’ Jiggy With It 15. No Mercy - When I Die 16. Anouk - Nobody’s Wife 17. Aqua - Barbie Girl 18. En Vogue - Don’t Let Go (Love) 19. Wham - Everything She Wants (Todd Terry Radio Edit) 90’s Vol.3 CD2 01. Wes - Alane 02. Spice Girls - 2 Become 1 03. Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me 04. Robbie Williams - Angel 05. Natalie Imbruglia - Torn 06. KCi & Jojo - All My Life 07. Lighthouse Family - High 08. Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save tonight 09. Another Level - Freak Me 10. Romeo - Coming Home 11. Acda & De Munnik - Niet Of Nooit Geweest 12. Manua - La Tribu De Dana 13. Five - Got The Feelin’ 15. Henk Westbroek - Zelfs Je Naam Is Mooi 16. Vengaboys - Boom Boom Boom Boom 17. Shania Twain - That Don’t Impress Me Much 18. Emilia - Big Big World 19. Abba Teens - Mamma Mia 20. TQ - Westside Extra CD1 01. Destiny’s Child - No No No 02. Close II You - Baby Don’t Go 03. 3T - Anything 04. The Cover Girls - Wishing On A Star 05. Bad English - Time Stood Still 06. Bomb The Bass - Winter In July 07. Lisa Stansfield - Change 08. Snap - Mary Had A Little Boy 09. Milli Vanilli - Blame It On The Rain 10. Terence Trent D’Arby - Sign Your Name 11. The Pasadenas - Riding On A Train 12. Rick Astley - Whenever You Need Somebody 13. Level 42 - To Be With You Again 14. Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World 15. Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time 16. Toto - Rosanna Extra CD2 01. Earth Wind & Fire - Boogie Wonderland 02. Jacksons - Blame It On The Boogie 03. Electric Light Orchestra - Livin’ Thing 04. Earth & Fire - Love Of Life 05. 10 CC - Donna 06. Moody Blues - I’m Just A Singer In A Rock ’n Roll Band 07. Middle Of The Road - Sacremento 08. Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad-Man 09. Ekseption - Air 10. Tom Jones - Delilah 11. Fleetwood Mac - Albatross 12. Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man 13. Donovan - Sunshine Superman 14. Jim Reeves - I Won’t Forget You 15. Supremes - Baby Love 16. Blue Diamonds - Cathy’s Clown 17. Frankie Lane - Rawhide 18. Paul Anka - Lonely Boy 19. Doris Day - Everybody Loves A Lover 20. Marty Robbins - El Paso 21. Buddy Holly - Oh Boy (With The Crickets) 22. Mitch Miller - March Of The River Kwai 23. Pat Boone - April Love 24. Johnnie Ray - Jus Walkin’ In The Rain -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂精選
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂精選

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: 1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選 光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 音質取樣: 192Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 收錄了 1990 年代 1001 首最佳單曲 依演唱者名稱排序↓ - Aerosmith - Crazy - Aerosmith - Cryin’ - Aerosmith - Janie’s Got a Gun - Aerosmith - Livin’ On The Edge - Aerosmith - Love in an Elevator - Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You - Alice in Chains - I Stay Away - Alice in Chains - No Excuses - Barenaked Ladies - Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies - If I Had 1000000 - Barenaked Ladies - Lovers in a Dangerous time - Barenaked Ladies - One Week - Barenaked Ladies - The Old Apartment - Billy Joel - The river of Dreams - Black Crows - Remedy - Butthole Surfers - Pepper - Candlebox - Inside Out - Candlebox - Leech - Cornershop - Brimful of Asha - Corona featuring Ice MC - The Rhythm of the Night - Cowboy Junkies - Miles from Our home - Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) - Destiny’s Child - No No No - Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) - Enya - Caribbean Blue - Everclear - Everything to Everyone - Everclear - Father of Mine - Everclear - I Will Buy You a New Life - Gandharvas - The First Day of Spring - Godsmack - Voodoo - Goo Goo Dolls - Flat Top - Goo Goo Dolls - Long Way Down - Goo Goo Dolls - Naked - Goo Goo Dolls - Name - Haddaway - What Is Love - Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta - Jerry Cantrell - Cut You In - Jerry Cantrell - My Song - Korn - Blind - Korn - Falling Away from Me - Korn - Freak on a Leash - Korn - Got the Life - Korn - Shoots & Ladders - Mad Season - I Don’t Know Anything - Mad Season - River of Deceit - Madonna - I’ll Remember (Theme From The Motion Picture With Honors) - Matthew Good - Apparitions - Matthew Good - Everything is Automatic - Matthew Good - Indestructable - Matthew Good - Rico - Matthew Good - The Inescapable Us - Megadeth - Hangar 18 - Megadeth - Sweating Bullets - Megadeth - Train of Consequences - Nirvana - Come As You Are - Nirvana - In Bloom - Nirvana - Lithium - Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Our Lady Peace - Naveed - Our Lady Peace - Starseed - Our Lady Peace - Supersatellite - Pop Will Eat Itself - Ich Bin Ein Auslander - Sloan - The Lines you Amend - Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike - Temple of the Dog - Wooden Jesus - The Cure - Love Song - The Cure - Lullaby - The Cure - Pictures of You - TLC - Baby-Baby-Baby - TLC - What About Your Friends - Tom Cochrane - Life is a Highway - Tom Cochrane - No Regrets - Tom Cochrane - Sinking Like a Sunset - Tracy Chapman - Give me One Reason - Tracy Chapman - Subcity - U2 - Discotheque - U2 - Numb - U2 - Staring at the Sun - Underworld - Born Slippery - Weezer - Undone -- The Sweater Song - Whigfield - Saturday Night - 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite - 311 - Down - Alannah Myles - Our World Our Times - Alice In Chains - Them Bones - Better Than Ezra - In The Blood - Big Wreck - The Oaf - Black Box - Eveybody Everybody (Le Freak Mix - 7’ Edit) - Black Crowes, The - Twice As Hard - Black Lab - Wash It Away - Blind Melon - Galaxie - Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch - Blue Rodeo - 5 Days In May - Blue Rodeo - Til I Am Myself Again - Blues Traveler - Run-Around - Blur - Song 2 - Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time - Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me - Buckcherry - Lit Up - Candlebox - Simple Lessons - Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle - Chumbawamba - Tubthumping - Coverdale Page - Shake My Tree - Cracker - Teen Angst (What The World Needs Now) - Cradle Of Love - Billy Idol - Culture Beat - I Like You (London Remix) - Damn Yankees - Coming Of Age - Dan Bern - Tiger Woods - Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Def Leppard - Let’s Get Rocked - Dire Straits - Calling Elvis - Dixie Chicks - Ready To Run - Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot - Gandharvas - Downtime - Genesis - No Son Of Mine - Gin Blossoms - Til I Hear It From You - Glueleg - Heroic Doses - Headstones - Hindsight - Heavy D - Now That We Found Love - Hi-Standard - California Dreaming - Hole - Celebrity Skin - Hole - Malibu - Hootie & The Blowfish - Hold My Hand - Ice Cube - Pushin’ Weight feat. Mr. Shokhop - INXS - Suicide Blonde - Jewel - Who Will Save Your Soul - Jo Dee Messina - I’m Alright - Judas Priest - Painkiller - Kid Rock - Bawitdaba - Kim Sanders - Show Me - K’s Choice - Not An Addict - Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of...) - Lucy’s Fur Coat - Treasure Hands - Mariah Carey - Dreamlover - Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love - Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men - One Sweet Day - Meat Loaf - I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That) - Metallica - Enter Sandman - Michael Jackson - Scream - Mike Plume Band - Rattle The Cage - Ministry - N.W.O - Ministry - Thieves - Modest Mouse - Dramamine - Moist - Push - No Doubt - Spiderwebs - Op SPIN - Fountains Of Wayne It Must Be Summer - Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds - Our Lady Peace - One Man Army - Our Lady Peace - Superman’s Dead - Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Tinkertrain - R.E.M. - Drive - R.E.M. - Radio Song - R.E.M. - What’s The Frequency, Kenneth - Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack - Rage Against The Machine - People Of The Sun - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge - Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex - Cotton-eye Joe - Robert Plant - Hurting Kind (I’ve Got My Eyes ON You) - Roxette - Joyride - Rush - Test For Echo - See Spot Run - Weightless - Shamen, The - Move Any Mountain [irp in the land of oz mix] - Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman! - Shania Twain - You’re Still The One - Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do - Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer (12’’ mix) - Social Distortion - Cold Feelings - Sophie B. Hawkins - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover - Soul Asylum - Somebody To Shove - Soundgarden - Rusty Cage - Spacehog - In The Meantime - Spirit of the West - Save This House - Sponge - My Purity - Sugar - Gee Angel - Tea Party - Fire In The Head - Tea Party - Temptation - Tea Party - The River - Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam - Ten Stories High - Au Naturel - The Age Of Electric - Remote Control - The Cranberries - Dreams - The Cure - Burn - The Goo Goo Dolls - Dizzy - The KLF - What Time Is Love (LP Mix) - The Northern Pikes - Dream Away - The Tragically Hip - Courage (for Hugh MacLennan) - The Tragically Hip - Grace, Too - The Tragically Hip - Little Bones - The Tragically Hip - Poets - The Wallflowers - One Headlight - Third Eye Blind - Anything - Third Eye Blind - Losing A Whole Year - Thruth Hurts Ft. Rakim - Addictive (Album Version) - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Fly From Heaven - Toad the Wet Sprocket - Walk on the Ocean - Toby Keith - Should’ve Been a Cowboy - Tom Petty - Wildflowers - Tori Amos - Crucify - U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing - Van Halen - Poundcake - Wide Mouth Mason - My Old Self - Wide Mouth Mason - Why - Wilco - Can’t Stand It - Yes - The Calling - 10,000 Maniacs - These Are Days - 2 Unlimited - No Limit - ACDC - Are you Ready - ACDC - Moneytalks - ACDC - Thunderstruck - Ace Of Base - The Sign - Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know - Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass - Athenaeum - What I Didn’t Know - Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backsteet’s Back) - Belly - Feed the Tree - Better Than Ezra - Good - Big Head Todd & The Monsters - Big Broken Hearted Savior - Big Wreck - That Song - Black Crowes, The - Jealous Again - Blue Rodeo - Hasn’t Hit Me Yet - Blue Rodeo - What Am I Doing Here - Bon Jovi - Keep the Faith - Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy - Bryan Adams - All for Love - Candlebox - Change - Ce Ce Peniston - Finally (7’ Choice Mix) - Christina Aguilera - What A Girl Wants - Coolio - Gangsta’s Paradise - Corey Hart - A Little Love - Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross - Crash Test Dummies - Afternoons & Coffeespoons - Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill a Man - Dada - Dim - Dada - Dizz Knee Land - Dave Matthews - Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews - So Much To Say - Dave Matthews - Too Much - Del Amitri - Always the Last to Know - Del Amitri - Kiss this Thing Goodbye - Del Amitri - Roll to Me - Dire Straits - On Every Street - Divinyls - I Touch Myself - Dixie Chicks - If I Fall You’re Going Down With Me - Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces - Dr. Dre - Fuck Wit Dre Day (And Everybody’s Celebratin’) - Dumb And Dumber - Deadeye Dick - New Age Girl - En Vogue - Hold On - Fastball - Out of my Head - Fastball - The Way - Foo Fighters - I’ll Stick Around - Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench - Fuel - Shimmer - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places - George Michael - Fastlove - Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy - Green Day - Hitchin’ a Ride - Heart - All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You - Heavy D - Let It Rain - Hookahman - Beauty - Hootie & The Blowfish - Only Wanna Be With You - House Of Pain - Jump Around - I Mother Earth - Levitate - Ice Cube - Check Yo Self (Remix) feat. Das Efx - Imperial Teen - Yoo Hoo - Indigo Girls - Shame on You - INXS - Disappear - INXS - Elegantly Wasted - INXS - Heaven Sent - INXS - The Gift - Janet Jackson - That’s The Way Love Goes - K.W.S. - Please Don’t Go - Kid Rock - Cowboy - L7 - Shitlist - Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away - Limblifter - Cordova - Live - Lakini’s Juice - Live - Selling The Drama - Madonna - Erotica - Marilyn Manson - Cake and Sodomy - Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show - Marvelous 3 - Freak Of The Week - Matchbox 20 - Long Day - Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb - Megadeth - Symphony Of Destruction - Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You - Michelle Wright - Nobody’s Girl - Midnight Oil - Stars of Warburton - Ministry - Just One Fix - New Radicals - You Get What You Give - Nine Inch Nails - Piggy - Nine Inch Nails - The Day The World Went Away - Northern Pikes - Believe - OMC - How Bizarre - Our Lady Peace - Automatic Flowers - Pearl Jam - Even Flow - Placebo - Pure Morning - R.E.M. - Losing My Religion - Radiohead - Paranoid Android - Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade - Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give it Away - Robert Plant - Big Love - Rush - Stick It Out - Sandbox - Curious - Savage Garden - Break Me Shake Me - Savage Garden - I Want You - Savage Garden - To The Moon and Back - Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply - See Spot Run - Terrified - Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine - Shawn Mullins - Lullaby - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun - silverchair - Anthem For The Year 2000 - Silverchair - Freak - Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins - Ava Adore - Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins - Eye - Smashing Pumpkins - Today - Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins - Zero - Smashmouth - Walkin on the Sun - Soul Asylum - Misery - Soundgarden - My Wave - Soundgarden - Outshined - Spirit of the West - Home For a Rest - Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline - Sugar - A Good Idea - Sugar Ray - Every Morning - Tea Party - The Bazaar - The Cranberries - Linger - The Goo Goo Dolls - Slide - The KLF - Make It Rain - The Men - Church Of Logic, Sin, & Love - The Nixons - Head - The Offspring - Come Out And Play (Keep ’em Separated) - The Prodigy - Breathe - The Refreshments - Banditos - The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache - Third Eye Blind - Narcolepsy - Thruth Hurts Ft. Rakim - Addictive (Remix Radio Edit) - Tom Petty - You don’t know how it feels - Tonic - Casual Affair - Tonic - You Wanted More - Tool - Eulogy - Type O Negative - Christian Woman - U2 - Mysterious Ways - Urban Cookie Collective - The Key, The Secret - Urge Overkill - Sister Havana - Van Halen - Can’t Stop Lovin’ You - Various Artist - Snap - Various Artists - Everything You Want - Warrant - Cherry Pie - Warrant - I Saw Red - White Zombie - Super-Charger Heaven - Wide Mouth Mason - Midnight Rain - 2 Unlimited - Get Ready For This - Ace Of Base - Beautiful Life - Alanis Morissette - Thank U - Alannah Myles - Sonny Say You Will - Arrested Development - People Everyday - Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me - Bad Religion - American Jesus - Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart - Bjork - Human Behaviour - Blackstreet - No Diggity - Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn - Boyzone - No Matter What - Brother Cane - And Fools Shine On - Candlebox - You - Chris Cornell - Seasons - Collective Soul - Shine - Corrosion of Conformity - Clean My Wounds - Counting Crows - Mr. Jones - Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm - Crash Test Dummies - Superman’s Song - Creed - My Own Prison - Cypress Hill - Hand on the Pump - Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus - Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever - Dr. Dre - Let Me Ride - Edwyn Collins - A Girl Like You - Electric Boys - Mary In The Mystery World - En Vogue - Whatta Man - Everclear - You Make Me Feel Like a Whore - Faith No More - MidLife Crisis - Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly - Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains - Garth Brooks - Callin’ Baton Rouge - George Michael - Too Funky - Headstones - When Something Stands For Nothing - Hootie & The Blowfish - Time - Hum - Stars - I Mother Earth - One More Astronaut - Joan Osborne - One of Us - John Cougar Mellencamp - Human Wheels - Limblifter - Tinfoil - Live - I Alone - Madonna - Ray of Light - Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy - Marilyn Manson - Lunchbox - Matchbox 20 - 3 AM - Mercy Rule - Hey Now - Michael Hutchence - The Passenger - Michael Jackson - Black or White - Moist - Resurrection - Monster Magnet - Space Lord - Nada Surf - Popular - Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box - No Doubt - Just A Girl - Oasis - Wonderwall - Op SPIN - Kid Rock Somebody’s Gotta Feel This - Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, I’m Coming Home - Pantera - Walk - Paul Janz - Rocket To My Heart - Pearl Jam - Alive - Pearl Jam - Daughter - Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke - Queensryche - Jet City Woman - Radiohead - Karma Police - Real 2 Real - Another Night - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication - Revolting Cocks - Beers, Steers And Queers (12 Version) - Rob Zombie - Dragula - Robin S. - Show Me Love (Stonebridge Club Mix) - Roxette - Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave) - Rush - Half The World - Rush - Roll the Bones - Sarah McLachlan - Into The Fire - See Spot Run - Girl Like You - Shania Twain - Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under - Sheryl Crow - My Favorite Mistake - Silverchair - Abuse Me - silverchair - Ana’s Song (Open Fire) - Silverchair - Faultline - Soul Asylum - Runaway Train - Soundgarden - Fell on Black Days - Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong - Sponge - Wax Ecstatic (To Sell Angelina) - Springsteen Bruce - 57 Channels (And Northin’On) - Sting - Fields Of Gold - Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty - Stone Temple Pilots - Wicked Garden - Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack - Sugar - Changes - System of a Down - Sugar - The Cranberries - Zombie - The KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (Live At The S.S.L.) - The Northern Pikes - Kiss Me You Fool - The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize - The Offspring - Self Esteem - The Tragically Hip - At the Hundredth Meridian - Third Eye Blind - 10 Days Late - Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Something’s Always Wrong - Tonic - If You Could Only See - Tonic - Knock Down Walls - Tool - H - Tool - Sober - Trisha Yearwood - Wrong Side Of Memphis - Type O Negative - Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All) - Type O Negative - Love You to Death - Van Halen - Don’t Tell Me (What Love Can Do) - White Zombie - Thunder Kiss ’65 - 2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone - 311 - All Mixed Up - Alanis Morissette - Hand in My Pocket - Bad Religion - Portrait Of Authority - Big Wreck - Blown Wide Open - Black Lab - Time Ago - Bush - Little Things - Daft Punk - Da Funk - Damn Yankees - High Enough - David Byrne - She’s Mad - Dumb And Dumber - Pete Droge - If You Don’t Love Me [I’ll Kill Myself] - Duran Duran - Ordinary World - En Vogue - Free Your Mind - Enigma - Sadeness - Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven - Everclear - Santa Monica - Extreme - Get The Funk Out - Face to Face - A-ok - Garbage - Stupid Girl - Genesis - I Can’t Dance - George Michael - Freedom 90 - Green Day - Longview - Green Day - Redundant - Headstones - Tweeter And The Monkey Man - Hootie & The Blowfish - Let Her Cry - I Mother Earth - Another Sunday - Janet Jackson - You Want This - Jann Arden - Insensitive - Jewel - Foolish Games - John Mellencamp - Just Another Day - Lenny Kravitz - Again - Mariah Carey - Someday - Matchbox 20 - Push - MC Hammer - U Can’t Touch This - Meridith Brooks - Bitch - Metallica - The Unforgiven - Metallica - Until It Sleeps - Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers - Mike Plume Band - Girl In Green - Moist - Leave It Alone - Moist - Silver - Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs - Nirvana - Rape Me - Oasis - Don’t Look Back In Anger - Paul Westerberg - Dyslexic Heart - R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts - R.E.M. - Near Wild Heaven - Radiohead - Creep - Rancid - Time Bomb - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue - Restless Heart - When She Cries - Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl - Rush - Face Up - Rush - Nobody’s Hero - Sarah McLachlan - Possession - Seal - Kiss From a Rose - Silverchair - Pure Massacre - Social Distortion - I Was Wrong - Soundgarden - Jesus Christ Pose - Sting - All This Time - Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby - Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song - Sugar Ray - Fly (featuring Super Cat) - Testament - Souls Of Black - The Cranberries - Ode To My Family - The Flaming Lips - She Dont Use Jelly - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get - The Nixons - Sister - The Northern Pikes - She Ain’t Pretty - The Tea Party - Heaven Coming Down - The Wallflowers - Three Marlenas - Third Eye Blind - Jumper - Third Eye Blind - Never Let You Go - Toad the Wet Sprocket - Nightingale Song - Tom Petty - You wreck me - Tori Amos - Professional Widow - Tribe - Don’t Go - Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You - Varga - Freeze Don’t Move - White Zombie - Black Sunshine - Yes - Lift Me Up - 2Pac - How Do You Want It - Alice In Chains - Rooster - Arrested Development - Mr. Wendal - Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) - Big Sugar - Diggin A Hole - Blink-182 - What’s My Age Again - Brother Cane - Breadmaker - Bush - Comedown - Candlebox - Far Behind - Chantal Kreviazuk - Before You - Coverdale Page - Over Now - Culture Beat - Black Flowers - Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind (Acoustic Version) - Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl - Extreme - More Than Words - Guns N’ Roses - Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door - INXS - By My Side - INXS - Not Enough Time - Jane’s Addiction - Been Caught Stealing - Limblifter - Screwed It Up - Live - Lightning Crashes - Loud Lucy - I’ll Wait - Madonna - Don’t Cry For Me Argentina - Matthew Good Band - Load Me Up - Metallica - King Nothing - Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod - Nine Inch Nails - Closer - Nine Inch Nails - Happiness In Slavery - Odds - It Falls Apart - Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears - Pantera - This Love - Pearl Jam - Black - Queensryche - Another Rainy Night (Without You) - Radiohead - No Surprises - Rage Against The Machine - Bullet In The Head - Rammstein - Du hast - Red Square Black - Just Another Day - Ricky Martin - Maria - Robert Plant - 29 Palms - Roxette - Spending My Time - Santana - Smooth (Featuring Rob Thomas) - Sarah McLachlan - Hold On - Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road - Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back - Sloan - Money City Maniacs - Smash Mouth - All Star - Social Distortion - Ring Of Fire - Sugar - Hoover Dam - The Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon - The Lovemongers - Battle of Evermore - The Offspring - All I Want - The Wallflowers - The Difference - Third Eye Blind - Graduate - TLC - No Scrubs - TLC - Waterfalls - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Crazy Life - Tom Petty - It’s good to be king - U2 - One - Various - Livin’ La Vida Loca - Wide Mouth Mason - This Mourning - Yes - Walls - 2 Bigg ft. Marilyn - I Got The Music - Alannah Myles - Song Instead of a Kiss - All 4 One - I Can Love You Like That - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Life Could Be Worse - Big Sugar - If I Had My Way - Black Box - Ride On Time (Remix) - Black Crowes, The - Hard to Handle - Blink-182 - All The Small Things - Collective Soul - Gel - Corey Hart - So Visible (Easy to Miss) - Crash Test Dummies - The Ghosts That Haunt Me - Damn Yankees - Come Again - Def Leppard - Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion) - Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence - EMF - Unbelievable - Enrique Iglesias - Rhythm Divine - Filter - Take A Picture - Fun Lovin’ Criminals - Scooby Snacks - Gandharvas - Watching the Girl - Garth Brooks - The Thunder Rolls - Guns N’ Roses - Civil War - Hole - Doll Parts - Hootie & The Blowfish - Old Man & Me (When I Get To Heaven) - Janet Jackson - If - Jewel - Hands - Lagwagon - Sleep - Lemons - Low - Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Metallica - Hero Of The Day - Midnight Oil - Bushfire - Mother Love Bone - Chloe DancerCrown of Thorns - Natalie Imbruglia - Torn - Odds - Heterosexual Man - Op SPIN - Bad Religion Shades Of Truth - Paula Cole - I Don’t Want To Wait - Pearl Jam - Jeremy - Phil Collins - I Wish it Would Rain Down - Queensryche - Empire - R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People - Real 2 Real - I Like To Move It (Eric ’More’ Club Mix) - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside - Salt ’N’ Pepa - Let’s Talk About Sex - Silverchair - Cemetery - Social Distortion - When She Begins - Sugar Ray - 10 Seconds Down - Tal Backman - She’s So High - Tea Party - Release - The Age Of Electric - Scare Myself - The Offspring - Gone Away - The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Peaches - The Tragically Hip - Locked in the Trunk of a Car - Third Eye Blind - How’s It Going To Be - Type O Negative - Hey Pete - Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby - Various Artists - Barrel Of A Gun - Violent Femmes - Color Me Once - Yes - Saving My Heart - Ace Of Base - All That She Wants - Alanis Morissette - You Learn - Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life - Better Than Ezra - Circle Of Friends - Blind Melon - No Rain - Blink-182 - Adam’s Song - Bush - Machine Head - Collective Soul - Precious Declaration - Cypress Hill - The Phuncky Feel One - Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth - Dumb And Dumber - Gigolo Aunts - Where I Find My Heaven - Edwin - Alive - Foo Fighters - My Hero - Garbage - Push It - Green Day - Basket Case - Guns N’ Roses - You Could Be Mine - Janet Jackson - Together Again (Radio Edit) - Len - Steal My Sunshine - Lenny Kravitz - Mr. Cab Driver - Lil’ Louis & The World - Blackout - Live - All Over You - Michael Bolton - Time, Love And Tenderness - Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine - Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming - Northern Pikes - Crocodile Tears - Our Lady Peace - Clumsy - Ozzy Osbourne - Perry Mason - Pink Floyd - Take It Back - Public Enemy - Pollywanacraka - Robert Plant - If I Were A Carpenter - Rollins Band - Ghostrider - Santana - Maria Maria - Sarah McLachlan - Building A Mystery - Sheryl Crow - Strong Enough - Skid Row - Monkey Business - Smash Mouth - Then The Morning Comes - Soundgarden - Birth Ritual - Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden - Burden In My Hand - Spacehog - Cruel To Be Kind - Spin Doctors - Two Princes - Sting - It’s Probably Me - Tag Team - Whoomp! There it is - The Box - Inside My Heart (1990) - The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Tragically Hip - Nautical Disaster - Various Artists - Meet Virginia - Verve Pipe - The Freshman - Ace Of Base - Living In Danger - Alabama - Southern Star - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Doin’ Fine - Beastie Boys - Sure Shot - Better Than Ezra - Desperately Wanting - Big Sugar - The Scene - Bjork - Big Time Sensuality - Black Crowes, The - She Talks to Angels - Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses - Bran Van 3000 - Drinking In L.A - Concrete Blonde - Joey - Def Leppard - Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad - Denis Leary - Asshole - Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance - Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save tonight - Faith No More - Kindergarten - Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song - Garbage - I Think I’m Paranoid - Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You - Go West - The King of wishful thinking - Guns N’ Roses - Don’t Cry (Original) - Hanson - Mmmbop - Hard Drive - Deep Inside - INXS - Beautiful Girl - Jars of Clay - Flood - John Cougar Mellencamp - What If I Came Knocking - Judas Priest - A Touch Of Evil - Lenny Kravitz - American Woman - Live - Turn My Head - Londonbeat - I’ve Been Thinking About You - Loud Lucy - Down Baby - Melissa Etheridge - I’m The Only One - Metallica - Nothing Else Matters - Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman - Michael Penn - No Myth - Mike Plume Band - Oblivion - Moist - Tangerine - New Kids On The Block - Tonight - Nine Inch Nails - Burn - Op SPIN - The C. Gibbs Group Drag The Ashes - Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You - PM Dawn - Set Adrift on Memory Bliss - Queensryche - Silent Lucidity - R.E.M. - Bang And Blame - Rush - Ghost of a Chance - Sarah McLachlan - Sweet Surrender - Shades Apart - Stranger By The Day - Soundgarden - Spoonman - The Age Of Electric - Ugly - The Cranberries - Free To Decide - The Offspring - Why Don’t You Get A Job - The Prodigy - Firestarter - White Zombie - More Human than Human - ZZ Top - Viva Las Vegas - 10,000 Maniacs - Candy Everybody Wants - 2Pac - Dear Mama - Bell Biv Devoe - Poison - Black Box - Strike It Up - Blue Rodeo - Lost Together - Blues Traveler - Hook - Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory - Brandy - Baby - Collective Soul - The World I Know - Creed - What’s This Life For - Cry Of Love - Peace Pipe - Culture Beat - Mr Vain - Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart - face to face - Pastel - Faith No More - Digging The Grave - Fatboy Slim - Praise You - Garbage - Special - Gin Blossoms - Allison Road - Guns N’ Roses - November Rain - Hootie & The Blowfish - I Go Blind - I Mother Earth - Raspberry - Jane’s Addiction - Classic Girl - Leonard Cohen - Closing Time - Limp Bizkit - Faith - Madonna - Frozen - Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch feat. Loleatta Holloway - Good Vibrations - Melissa Etheridge - Come To My Window - Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar - Montell Jordan - Get It On... Tonite - Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt - Pink Floyd - Keep Talking - Rush - Resist - Sarah McLachlan - Adia - Scorpions - Wind Of Change - Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy - Skid Row - Slave To The Grind - Sloan - The Good In Everyone - Social Distortion - Sometimes I Do - Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You - Stone Temple Pilots - Plush - Sublime - What I Got - The Moffatts - Misery - The Offspring - The Kids Aren’t Alright - The Tragically Hip - Fifty-Mission Cap - TLC - Unpretty - Trisha Yearwood - She’s In Love With The Boy - Unbelievable (Theme From Ford Fairlane) - Yello - Van Halen - Right Now - Wide Mouth Mason - Sugarcane - ZZ Top - Doubleback - 54-40 - Ocean Pearl - Alanis Morissette - Ironic - Bon Jovi - In These Arms - Bryan Adams - On a Day Like Today - Bush - Glycerine - Candlebox - Cover Me - Creed - One - Econoline Crush - All That You Are - Faith No More - A Small Victory - Garth Brooks - Standing Outside the Fire - Green Day - Brain Stew - Green Day - When I Come Around - Guns N’ Roses - Live And Let Die - Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day - Madonna - The Power of Good-Bye - Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis - Mercy Rule - Which Road - Michael Jackson - Jam - Midnight Oil - One Country - No Doubt - Don’t Speak - Poison - Unskinny Bop - R.E.M. - Country Feedback - R.E.M. - Man On The Moon - Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees - Rage Against The Machine - Freedom - Roxette - Church Of Your Heart - Sarah McLachlan - Angel - Seam - Petty Thievery - Sky - Love Song - Sublime - Wrong Way - The Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems - The Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings - Toad the Wet Sprocket - All I Want - Various Artists - I Wanna Sex You Up - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Do Ya - Collective Soul - Listen - Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat - Drill - What You Are - Elton John - Candle In The Wind - Foo Fighters - Everlong - Guns N’ Roses - Yesterdays - Linear - Sending all my Love - Lisa Loeb - I Do - LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out - Moffatts - Girl Of My Dreams - Pearl Jam - Better Man - Pink Floyd - High Hopes - Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You - Scorpions - Send Me An Angel - Shania Twain - Love Gets Me Every Time - Shania Twain - No One Needs To Know - Sister Machine Gun - Hole In The Ground - Sister Machine Gun - Think - The Cranberries - Promises - The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris - The Northern Pikes - Girl With A Problem - The Traveling Wilburys - Wilbury Twist - Urge Overkill - Positive Bleeding - Yes - Dangerous (Look In The Light Of What You’re Searching For) - 2Pac - California Love (RMX) - Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone - Amanda Marshall - Birmingham - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - I’m Shattered - Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch - Collective Soul - December - Face to Face - Disconnected - Garland Jeffreys - Hail Hail Rock ’N Roll - Hole - Rock Star - Janet Jackson - Alright - LaTour - People Are Still Having Sex - Michael Jackson - Remember the Time - Midnight Oil - Truganini - N.W.A. - Alwayz Into Somethin’ - Oasis - Champagne Supernova - Shania Twain - Don’t Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) - Sister Hazel - All For You - Sloan - Coax Me - Spice Girls - Goodbye - ZZ Top - Give it Up - Alice In Chains - Would - Ashley MacIssac - The Devil In The Kitchen - Badlees - Fear Of Falling - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Oh Shelley - Brandy - Have You Ever - Bruce Springsteen - Better Days - Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From ’Titanic’) - Extreme - Hole Hearted - Five - Got The Feelin’ - Great Big Sea - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It - Michael Jackson - Who Is It (IHS Mix) - Shania Twain - That Don’t Impress Me Much (UK Dance Mix) - Sublime - Santeria - Take That - Back For Good - Toby Keith - I’m So Happy I Can’t Stop Crying - Tool - Anema - U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - Wilson Phillips - Hold On - Alabama - Born Country - Arrested Development - Tennessee - Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia - Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It for You - Cher - Believe - Janet Jackson - Escapade - Jennifer Paige - Crush - John Mellencamp - Without Expression - Lagwagon - Lamens Terms - Loreena McKennitt - The Mummer’s Dance - Nine Inch Nails - Hurt - Right Said Fred - I’m Too Sexy - Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life - The Killjoys - Today I Hate Everyone - Utah Saints - Something Good - Will Smith - Gettin’ Jiggy With It - Wilson Phillips - Release Me - Aerosmith - Pink - Alabama - I’m In A Hurry (And Don’t Know Why) - Aqua - Barbie Girl - Bryan Adams - Can’t Stop This Thing We Started - C&C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) - Dream Warriors - My Definition Of A Boombastic Jazz Style - Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La Long) - KRS-One - Outta Here - La Bouche - Be My Lover - Madonna - Madonna Vogue - Naughty By Nature - OPP - Prince - Gett Off - Spice Girls - Wannabe - Sublime - Date Rape - TBTBT - One Track Mind - The Lemonheads - Into Your Arms - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly - Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody - Adamski - Killer - Ashley MacIsaac - Sleepy Maggie - Bruce Springsteen - Murder Incorporated - Bryan Adams - There Will Never Be Another Tonight - Dr Alban - It’s My Life - Janet Jackson - Black Cat - K-Ci & JoJo - All My Life - KD Lang - Constant craving - Killjoys - Rave & Drool - Madonna - Madonna Justify My Love - Naughty By Nature - Hip Hop Hooray - Neil Young - Harvest Moon - Prince - Cream - Snow - Informer - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Into The Great Wide Open - Vengaboys - Boom Boom Boom Boom - Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way - Bryan Adams - Thought I’d Died and Gone to Heaven - Choclair - Let’s Ride - Cult - Sweet Soul Sister - Everything But The Girl - Missing - Faith No More - Easy - Great Big Sea - Ordinary Day - Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Kriss Kross - Jump - Los Del Mar - Macarena - Madonna - Madonna Rescue Me - Pluto - Paste - Prince - Diamonds and Pearls - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Mary Jane’s Last Dance - Beck - Novacane - Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song - Midnight Oil - Forgotten Years - Mr. Big - To Be With You - Prince - 7 - Roxette - It Must Have Been Love - Semisonic - Closing Time - D.O.A. - Marijuana Motherfucker - Dr Dre - The Day the Niggaz Took Over - Duran Duran - Come Undone - Sinead O’Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U - Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last - Verbow - Holiday - Beastie Boys - Jimmy James (Original Version) - Public Enemy - Fight the Power - Beck - Loser - Beastie Boys - Intergalactic - Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah - Pavement - Summer Babe - Bonnie Raitt - I Can’t Make You Love Me - The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony - Dr. Dre - Nuthin’ But A ’G’ Thang - Nirvana - All Apologies - Beastie Boys - Sabotage - Weezer - Buddy Holly -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂精選高音質版
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1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂精選高音質版

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: 1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂精選高音質版 光碟片數: 4片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 音質取樣: 1411 Kbps/44 Khz 檔案格式: FLAC 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.07.10 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1001 Greatest 1990 Music Hit Singles 收錄了 1990 年代 1001 首最佳單曲 依演唱者名稱排序↓ - Aerosmith - Crazy - Aerosmith - Cryin’ - Aerosmith - Janie’s Got a Gun - Aerosmith - Livin’ On The Edge - Aerosmith - Love in an Elevator - Alice In Chains - Heaven Beside You - Alice in Chains - I Stay Away - Alice in Chains - No Excuses - Barenaked Ladies - Brian Wilson - Barenaked Ladies - If I Had 1000000 - Barenaked Ladies - Lovers in a Dangerous time - Barenaked Ladies - One Week - Barenaked Ladies - The Old Apartment - Billy Joel - The river of Dreams - Black Crows - Remedy - Butthole Surfers - Pepper - Candlebox - Inside Out - Candlebox - Leech - Cornershop - Brimful of Asha - Corona featuring Ice MC - The Rhythm of the Night - Cowboy Junkies - Miles from Our home - Crystal Waters - Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless) - Destiny’s Child - No No No - Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee) - Enya - Caribbean Blue - Everclear - Everything to Everyone - Everclear - Father of Mine - Everclear - I Will Buy You a New Life - Gandharvas - The First Day of Spring - Godsmack - Voodoo - Goo Goo Dolls - Flat Top - Goo Goo Dolls - Long Way Down - Goo Goo Dolls - Naked - Goo Goo Dolls - Name - Haddaway - What Is Love - Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta - Jerry Cantrell - Cut You In - Jerry Cantrell - My Song - Korn - Blind - Korn - Falling Away from Me - Korn - Freak on a Leash - Korn - Got the Life - Korn - Shoots & Ladders - Mad Season - I Don’t Know Anything - Mad Season - River of Deceit - Madonna - I’ll Remember (Theme From The Motion Picture With Honors) - Matthew Good - Apparitions - Matthew Good - Everything is Automatic - Matthew Good - Indestructable - Matthew Good - Rico - Matthew Good - The Inescapable Us - Megadeth - Hangar 18 - Megadeth - Sweating Bullets - Megadeth - Train of Consequences - Nirvana - Come As You Are - Nirvana - In Bloom - Nirvana - Lithium - Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Our Lady Peace - Naveed - Our Lady Peace - Starseed - Our Lady Peace - Supersatellite - Pop Will Eat Itself - Ich Bin Ein Auslander - Sloan - The Lines you Amend - Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike - Temple of the Dog - Wooden Jesus - The Cure - Love Song - The Cure - Lullaby - The Cure - Pictures of You - TLC - Baby-Baby-Baby - TLC - What About Your Friends - Tom Cochrane - Life is a Highway - Tom Cochrane - No Regrets - Tom Cochrane - Sinking Like a Sunset - Tracy Chapman - Give me One Reason - Tracy Chapman - Subcity - U2 - Discotheque - U2 - Numb - U2 - Staring at the Sun - Underworld - Born Slippery - Weezer - Undone -- The Sweater Song - Whigfield - Saturday Night - 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite - 311 - Down - Alannah Myles - Our World Our Times - Alice In Chains - Them Bones - Better Than Ezra - In The Blood - Big Wreck - The Oaf - Black Box - Eveybody Everybody (Le Freak Mix - 7’ Edit) - Black Crowes, The - Twice As Hard - Black Lab - Wash It Away - Blind Melon - Galaxie - Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch - Blue Rodeo - 5 Days In May - Blue Rodeo - Til I Am Myself Again - Blues Traveler - Run-Around - Blur - Song 2 - Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time - Bryan Adams - Please Forgive Me - Buckcherry - Lit Up - Candlebox - Simple Lessons - Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle - Chumbawamba - Tubthumping - Coverdale Page - Shake My Tree - Cracker - Teen Angst (What The World Needs Now) - Cradle Of Love - Billy Idol - Culture Beat - I Like You (London Remix) - Damn Yankees - Coming Of Age - Dan Bern - Tiger Woods - Deep Blue Something - Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Def Leppard - Let’s Get Rocked - Dire Straits - Calling Elvis - Dixie Chicks - Ready To Run - Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot - Gandharvas - Downtime - Genesis - No Son Of Mine - Gin Blossoms - Til I Hear It From You - Glueleg - Heroic Doses - Headstones - Hindsight - Heavy D - Now That We Found Love - Hi-Standard - California Dreaming - Hole - Celebrity Skin - Hole - Malibu - Hootie & The Blowfish - Hold My Hand - Ice Cube - Pushin’ Weight feat. Mr. Shokhop - INXS - Suicide Blonde - Jewel - Who Will Save Your Soul - Jo Dee Messina - I’m Alright - Judas Priest - Painkiller - Kid Rock - Bawitdaba - Kim Sanders - Show Me - K’s Choice - Not An Addict - Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lou Bega - Mambo No. 5 (A Little Bit Of...) - Lucy’s Fur Coat - Treasure Hands - Mariah Carey - Dreamlover - Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love - Mariah Carey & Boyz II Men - One Sweet Day - Meat Loaf - I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That) - Metallica - Enter Sandman - Michael Jackson - Scream - Mike Plume Band - Rattle The Cage - Ministry - N.W.O - Ministry - Thieves - Modest Mouse - Dramamine - Moist - Push - No Doubt - Spiderwebs - Op SPIN - Fountains Of Wayne It Must Be Summer - Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds - Our Lady Peace - One Man Army - Our Lady Peace - Superman’s Dead - Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Tinkertrain - R.E.M. - Drive - R.E.M. - Radio Song - R.E.M. - What’s The Frequency, Kenneth - Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack - Rage Against The Machine - People Of The Sun - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge - Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe - Rednex - Cotton-eye Joe - Robert Plant - Hurting Kind (I’ve Got My Eyes ON You) - Roxette - Joyride - Rush - Test For Echo - See Spot Run - Weightless - Shamen, The - Move Any Mountain [irp in the land of oz mix] - Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman! - Shania Twain - You’re Still The One - Sheryl Crow - All I Wanna Do - Snap - Rhythm Is A Dancer (12’’ mix) - Social Distortion - Cold Feelings - Sophie B. Hawkins - Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover - Soul Asylum - Somebody To Shove - Soundgarden - Rusty Cage - Spacehog - In The Meantime - Spirit of the West - Save This House - Sponge - My Purity - Sugar - Gee Angel - Tea Party - Fire In The Head - Tea Party - Temptation - Tea Party - The River - Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam - Ten Stories High - Au Naturel - The Age Of Electric - Remote Control - The Cranberries - Dreams - The Cure - Burn - The Goo Goo Dolls - Dizzy - The KLF - What Time Is Love (LP Mix) - The Northern Pikes - Dream Away - The Tragically Hip - Courage (for Hugh MacLennan) - The Tragically Hip - Grace, Too - The Tragically Hip - Little Bones - The Tragically Hip - Poets - The Wallflowers - One Headlight - Third Eye Blind - Anything - Third Eye Blind - Losing A Whole Year - Thruth Hurts Ft. Rakim - Addictive (Album Version) - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Fly From Heaven - Toad the Wet Sprocket - Walk on the Ocean - Toby Keith - Should’ve Been a Cowboy - Tom Petty - Wildflowers - Tori Amos - Crucify - U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing - Van Halen - Poundcake - Wide Mouth Mason - My Old Self - Wide Mouth Mason - Why - Wilco - Can’t Stand It - Yes - The Calling - 10,000 Maniacs - These Are Days - 2 Unlimited - No Limit - ACDC - Are you Ready - ACDC - Moneytalks - ACDC - Thunderstruck - Ace Of Base - The Sign - Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know - Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass - Athenaeum - What I Didn’t Know - Backstreet Boys - Everybody (Backsteet’s Back) - Belly - Feed the Tree - Better Than Ezra - Good - Big Head Todd & The Monsters - Big Broken Hearted Savior - Big Wreck - That Song - Black Crowes, The - Jealous Again - Blue Rodeo - Hasn’t Hit Me Yet - Blue Rodeo - What Am I Doing Here - Bon Jovi - Keep the Faith - Britney Spears - (You Drive Me) Crazy - Bryan Adams - All for Love - Candlebox - Change - Ce Ce Peniston - Finally (7’ Choice Mix) - Christina Aguilera - What A Girl Wants - Coolio - Gangsta’s Paradise - Corey Hart - A Little Love - Corrosion of Conformity - Albatross - Crash Test Dummies - Afternoons & Coffeespoons - Cypress Hill - How I Could Just Kill a Man - Dada - Dim - Dada - Dizz Knee Land - Dave Matthews - Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews - So Much To Say - Dave Matthews - Too Much - Del Amitri - Always the Last to Know - Del Amitri - Kiss this Thing Goodbye - Del Amitri - Roll to Me - Dire Straits - On Every Street - Divinyls - I Touch Myself - Dixie Chicks - If I Fall You’re Going Down With Me - Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces - Dr. Dre - Fuck Wit Dre Day (And Everybody’s Celebratin’) - Dumb And Dumber - Deadeye Dick - New Age Girl - En Vogue - Hold On - Fastball - Out of my Head - Fastball - The Way - Foo Fighters - I’ll Stick Around - Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench - Fuel - Shimmer - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places - George Michael - Fastlove - Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy - Green Day - Hitchin’ a Ride - Heart - All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You - Heavy D - Let It Rain - Hookahman - Beauty - Hootie & The Blowfish - Only Wanna Be With You - House Of Pain - Jump Around - I Mother Earth - Levitate - Ice Cube - Check Yo Self (Remix) feat. Das Efx - Imperial Teen - Yoo Hoo - Indigo Girls - Shame on You - INXS - Disappear - INXS - Elegantly Wasted - INXS - Heaven Sent - INXS - The Gift - Janet Jackson - That’s The Way Love Goes - K.W.S. - Please Don’t Go - Kid Rock - Cowboy - L7 - Shitlist - Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away - Limblifter - Cordova - Live - Lakini’s Juice - Live - Selling The Drama - Madonna - Erotica - Marilyn Manson - Cake and Sodomy - Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show - Marvelous 3 - Freak Of The Week - Matchbox 20 - Long Day - Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb - Megadeth - Symphony Of Destruction - Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You - Michelle Wright - Nobody’s Girl - Midnight Oil - Stars of Warburton - Ministry - Just One Fix - New Radicals - You Get What You Give - Nine Inch Nails - Piggy - Nine Inch Nails - The Day The World Went Away - Northern Pikes - Believe - OMC - How Bizarre - Our Lady Peace - Automatic Flowers - Pearl Jam - Even Flow - Placebo - Pure Morning - R.E.M. - Losing My Religion - Radiohead - Paranoid Android - Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade - Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give it Away - Robert Plant - Big Love - Rush - Stick It Out - Sandbox - Curious - Savage Garden - Break Me Shake Me - Savage Garden - I Want You - Savage Garden - To The Moon and Back - Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply - See Spot Run - Terrified - Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine - Shawn Mullins - Lullaby - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun - silverchair - Anthem For The Year 2000 - Silverchair - Freak - Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins - Ava Adore - Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet with butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins - Eye - Smashing Pumpkins - Today - Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins - Zero - Smashmouth - Walkin on the Sun - Soul Asylum - Misery - Soundgarden - My Wave - Soundgarden - Outshined - Spirit of the West - Home For a Rest - Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline - Sugar - A Good Idea - Sugar Ray - Every Morning - Tea Party - The Bazaar - The Cranberries - Linger - The Goo Goo Dolls - Slide - The KLF - Make It Rain - The Men - Church Of Logic, Sin, & Love - The Nixons - Head - The Offspring - Come Out And Play (Keep ’em Separated) - The Prodigy - Breathe - The Refreshments - Banditos - The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache - Third Eye Blind - Narcolepsy - Thruth Hurts Ft. Rakim - Addictive (Remix Radio Edit) - Tom Petty - You don’t know how it feels - Tonic - Casual Affair - Tonic - You Wanted More - Tool - Eulogy - Type O Negative - Christian Woman - U2 - Mysterious Ways - Urban Cookie Collective - The Key, The Secret - Urge Overkill - Sister Havana - Van Halen - Can’t Stop Lovin’ You - Various Artist - Snap - Various Artists - Everything You Want - Warrant - Cherry Pie - Warrant - I Saw Red - White Zombie - Super-Charger Heaven - Wide Mouth Mason - Midnight Rain - 2 Unlimited - Get Ready For This - Ace Of Base - Beautiful Life - Alanis Morissette - Thank U - Alannah Myles - Sonny Say You Will - Arrested Development - People Everyday - Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me - Bad Religion - American Jesus - Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart - Bjork - Human Behaviour - Blackstreet - No Diggity - Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn - Boyzone - No Matter What - Brother Cane - And Fools Shine On - Candlebox - You - Chris Cornell - Seasons - Collective Soul - Shine - Corrosion of Conformity - Clean My Wounds - Counting Crows - Mr. Jones - Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm - Crash Test Dummies - Superman’s Song - Creed - My Own Prison - Cypress Hill - Hand on the Pump - Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus - Donna Lewis - I Love You Always Forever - Dr. Dre - Let Me Ride - Edwyn Collins - A Girl Like You - Electric Boys - Mary In The Mystery World - En Vogue - Whatta Man - Everclear - You Make Me Feel Like a Whore - Faith No More - MidLife Crisis - Foo Fighters - Learn To Fly - Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains - Garth Brooks - Callin’ Baton Rouge - George Michael - Too Funky - Headstones - When Something Stands For Nothing - Hootie & The Blowfish - Time - Hum - Stars - I Mother Earth - One More Astronaut - Joan Osborne - One of Us - John Cougar Mellencamp - Human Wheels - Limblifter - Tinfoil - Live - I Alone - Madonna - Ray of Light - Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy - Marilyn Manson - Lunchbox - Matchbox 20 - 3 AM - Mercy Rule - Hey Now - Michael Hutchence - The Passenger - Michael Jackson - Black or White - Moist - Resurrection - Monster Magnet - Space Lord - Nada Surf - Popular - Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box - No Doubt - Just A Girl - Oasis - Wonderwall - Op SPIN - Kid Rock Somebody’s Gotta Feel This - Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, I’m Coming Home - Pantera - Walk - Paul Janz - Rocket To My Heart - Pearl Jam - Alive - Pearl Jam - Daughter - Public Enemy - 911 is a Joke - Queensryche - Jet City Woman - Radiohead - Karma Police - Real 2 Real - Another Night - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication - Revolting Cocks - Beers, Steers And Queers (12 Version) - Rob Zombie - Dragula - Robin S. - Show Me Love (Stonebridge Club Mix) - Roxette - Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave) - Rush - Half The World - Rush - Roll the Bones - Sarah McLachlan - Into The Fire - See Spot Run - Girl Like You - Shania Twain - Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under - Sheryl Crow - My Favorite Mistake - Silverchair - Abuse Me - silverchair - Ana’s Song (Open Fire) - Silverchair - Faultline - Soul Asylum - Runaway Train - Soundgarden - Fell on Black Days - Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong - Sponge - Wax Ecstatic (To Sell Angelina) - Springsteen Bruce - 57 Channels (And Northin’On) - Sting - Fields Of Gold - Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty - Stone Temple Pilots - Wicked Garden - Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack - Sugar - Changes - System of a Down - Sugar - The Cranberries - Zombie - The KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (Live At The S.S.L.) - The Northern Pikes - Kiss Me You Fool - The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize - The Offspring - Self Esteem - The Tragically Hip - At the Hundredth Meridian - Third Eye Blind - 10 Days Late - Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Something’s Always Wrong - Tonic - If You Could Only See - Tonic - Knock Down Walls - Tool - H - Tool - Sober - Trisha Yearwood - Wrong Side Of Memphis - Type O Negative - Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare-All) - Type O Negative - Love You to Death - Van Halen - Don’t Tell Me (What Love Can Do) - White Zombie - Thunder Kiss ’65 - 2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone - 311 - All Mixed Up - Alanis Morissette - Hand in My Pocket - Bad Religion - Portrait Of Authority - Big Wreck - Blown Wide Open - Black Lab - Time Ago - Bush - Little Things - Daft Punk - Da Funk - Damn Yankees - High Enough - David Byrne - She’s Mad - Dumb And Dumber - Pete Droge - If You Don’t Love Me [I’ll Kill Myself] - Duran Duran - Ordinary World - En Vogue - Free Your Mind - Enigma - Sadeness - Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven - Everclear - Santa Monica - Extreme - Get The Funk Out - Face to Face - A-ok - Garbage - Stupid Girl - Genesis - I Can’t Dance - George Michael - Freedom 90 - Green Day - Longview - Green Day - Redundant - Headstones - Tweeter And The Monkey Man - Hootie & The Blowfish - Let Her Cry - I Mother Earth - Another Sunday - Janet Jackson - You Want This - Jann Arden - Insensitive - Jewel - Foolish Games - John Mellencamp - Just Another Day - Lenny Kravitz - Again - Mariah Carey - Someday - Matchbox 20 - Push - MC Hammer - U Can’t Touch This - Meridith Brooks - Bitch - Metallica - The Unforgiven - Metallica - Until It Sleeps - Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers - Mike Plume Band - Girl In Green - Moist - Leave It Alone - Moist - Silver - Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs - Nirvana - Rape Me - Oasis - Don’t Look Back In Anger - Paul Westerberg - Dyslexic Heart - R.E.M. - Everybody Hurts - R.E.M. - Near Wild Heaven - Radiohead - Creep - Rancid - Time Bomb - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue - Restless Heart - When She Cries - Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl - Rush - Face Up - Rush - Nobody’s Hero - Sarah McLachlan - Possession - Seal - Kiss From a Rose - Silverchair - Pure Massacre - Social Distortion - I Was Wrong - Soundgarden - Jesus Christ Pose - Sting - All This Time - Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby - Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song - Sugar Ray - Fly (featuring Super Cat) - Testament - Souls Of Black - The Cranberries - Ode To My Family - The Flaming Lips - She Dont Use Jelly - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Impression That I Get - The Nixons - Sister - The Northern Pikes - She Ain’t Pretty - The Tea Party - Heaven Coming Down - The Wallflowers - Three Marlenas - Third Eye Blind - Jumper - Third Eye Blind - Never Let You Go - Toad the Wet Sprocket - Nightingale Song - Tom Petty - You wreck me - Tori Amos - Professional Widow - Tribe - Don’t Go - Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You - Varga - Freeze Don’t Move - White Zombie - Black Sunshine - Yes - Lift Me Up - 2Pac - How Do You Want It - Alice In Chains - Rooster - Arrested Development - Mr. Wendal - Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) - Big Sugar - Diggin A Hole - Blink-182 - What’s My Age Again - Brother Cane - Breadmaker - Bush - Comedown - Candlebox - Far Behind - Chantal Kreviazuk - Before You - Coverdale Page - Over Now - Culture Beat - Black Flowers - Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind (Acoustic Version) - Dixie Chicks - Goodbye Earl - Extreme - More Than Words - Guns N’ Roses - Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door - INXS - By My Side - INXS - Not Enough Time - Jane’s Addiction - Been Caught Stealing - Limblifter - Screwed It Up - Live - Lightning Crashes - Loud Lucy - I’ll Wait - Madonna - Don’t Cry For Me Argentina - Matthew Good Band - Load Me Up - Metallica - King Nothing - Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod - Nine Inch Nails - Closer - Nine Inch Nails - Happiness In Slavery - Odds - It Falls Apart - Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears - Pantera - This Love - Pearl Jam - Black - Queensryche - Another Rainy Night (Without You) - Radiohead - No Surprises - Rage Against The Machine - Bullet In The Head - Rammstein - Du hast - Red Square Black - Just Another Day - Ricky Martin - Maria - Robert Plant - 29 Palms - Roxette - Spending My Time - Santana - Smooth (Featuring Rob Thomas) - Sarah McLachlan - Hold On - Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road - Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back - Sloan - Money City Maniacs - Smash Mouth - All Star - Social Distortion - Ring Of Fire - Sugar - Hoover Dam - The Goo Goo Dolls - Black Balloon - The Lovemongers - Battle of Evermore - The Offspring - All I Want - The Wallflowers - The Difference - Third Eye Blind - Graduate - TLC - No Scrubs - TLC - Waterfalls - Toad The Wet Sprocket - Crazy Life - Tom Petty - It’s good to be king - U2 - One - Various - Livin’ La Vida Loca - Wide Mouth Mason - This Mourning - Yes - Walls - 2 Bigg ft. Marilyn - I Got The Music - Alannah Myles - Song Instead of a Kiss - All 4 One - I Can Love You Like That - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Life Could Be Worse - Big Sugar - If I Had My Way - Black Box - Ride On Time (Remix) - Black Crowes, The - Hard to Handle - Blink-182 - All The Small Things - Collective Soul - Gel - Corey Hart - So Visible (Easy to Miss) - Crash Test Dummies - The Ghosts That Haunt Me - Damn Yankees - Come Again - Def Leppard - Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion) - Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence - EMF - Unbelievable - Enrique Iglesias - Rhythm Divine - Filter - Take A Picture - Fun Lovin’ Criminals - Scooby Snacks - Gandharvas - Watching the Girl - Garth Brooks - The Thunder Rolls - Guns N’ Roses - Civil War - Hole - Doll Parts - Hootie & The Blowfish - Old Man & Me (When I Get To Heaven) - Janet Jackson - If - Jewel - Hands - Lagwagon - Sleep - Lemons - Low - Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Metallica - Hero Of The Day - Midnight Oil - Bushfire - Mother Love Bone - Chloe DancerCrown of Thorns - Natalie Imbruglia - Torn - Odds - Heterosexual Man - Op SPIN - Bad Religion Shades Of Truth - Paula Cole - I Don’t Want To Wait - Pearl Jam - Jeremy - Phil Collins - I Wish it Would Rain Down - Queensryche - Empire - R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People - Real 2 Real - I Like To Move It (Eric ’More’ Club Mix) - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Otherside - Salt ’N’ Pepa - Let’s Talk About Sex - Silverchair - Cemetery - Social Distortion - When She Begins - Sugar Ray - 10 Seconds Down - Tal Backman - She’s So High - Tea Party - Release - The Age Of Electric - Scare Myself - The Offspring - Gone Away - The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Peaches - The Tragically Hip - Locked in the Trunk of a Car - Third Eye Blind - How’s It Going To Be - Type O Negative - Hey Pete - Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby - Various Artists - Barrel Of A Gun - Violent Femmes - Color Me Once - Yes - Saving My Heart - Ace Of Base - All That She Wants - Alanis Morissette - You Learn - Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life - Better Than Ezra - Circle Of Friends - Blind Melon - No Rain - Blink-182 - Adam’s Song - Bush - Machine Head - Collective Soul - Precious Declaration - Cypress Hill - The Phuncky Feel One - Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth - Dumb And Dumber - Gigolo Aunts - Where I Find My Heaven - Edwin - Alive - Foo Fighters - My Hero - Garbage - Push It - Green Day - Basket Case - Guns N’ Roses - You Could Be Mine - Janet Jackson - Together Again (Radio Edit) - Len - Steal My Sunshine - Lenny Kravitz - Mr. Cab Driver - Lil’ Louis & The World - Blackout - Live - All Over You - Michael Bolton - Time, Love And Tenderness - Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine - Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming - Northern Pikes - Crocodile Tears - Our Lady Peace - Clumsy - Ozzy Osbourne - Perry Mason - Pink Floyd - Take It Back - Public Enemy - Pollywanacraka - Robert Plant - If I Were A Carpenter - Rollins Band - Ghostrider - Santana - Maria Maria - Sarah McLachlan - Building A Mystery - Sheryl Crow - Strong Enough - Skid Row - Monkey Business - Smash Mouth - Then The Morning Comes - Soundgarden - Birth Ritual - Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden - Burden In My Hand - Spacehog - Cruel To Be Kind - Spin Doctors - Two Princes - Sting - It’s Probably Me - Tag Team - Whoomp! There it is - The Box - Inside My Heart (1990) - The Offspring - Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Tragically Hip - Nautical Disaster - Various Artists - Meet Virginia - Verve Pipe - The Freshman - Ace Of Base - Living In Danger - Alabama - Southern Star - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Doin’ Fine - Beastie Boys - Sure Shot - Better Than Ezra - Desperately Wanting - Big Sugar - The Scene - Bjork - Big Time Sensuality - Black Crowes, The - She Talks to Angels - Bon Jovi - Bed of Roses - Bran Van 3000 - Drinking In L.A - Concrete Blonde - Joey - Def Leppard - Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad - Denis Leary - Asshole - Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance - Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save tonight - Faith No More - Kindergarten - Fugees - Killing Me Softly With His Song - Garbage - I Think I’m Paranoid - Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You - Go West - The King of wishful thinking - Guns N’ Roses - Don’t Cry (Original) - Hanson - Mmmbop - Hard Drive - Deep Inside - INXS - Beautiful Girl - Jars of Clay - Flood - John Cougar Mellencamp - What If I Came Knocking - Judas Priest - A Touch Of Evil - Lenny Kravitz - American Woman - Live - Turn My Head - Londonbeat - I’ve Been Thinking About You - Loud Lucy - Down Baby - Melissa Etheridge - I’m The Only One - Metallica - Nothing Else Matters - Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman - Michael Penn - No Myth - Mike Plume Band - Oblivion - Moist - Tangerine - New Kids On The Block - Tonight - Nine Inch Nails - Burn - Op SPIN - The C. Gibbs Group Drag The Ashes - Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You - PM Dawn - Set Adrift on Memory Bliss - Queensryche - Silent Lucidity - R.E.M. - Bang And Blame - Rush - Ghost of a Chance - Sarah McLachlan - Sweet Surrender - Shades Apart - Stranger By The Day - Soundgarden - Spoonman - The Age Of Electric - Ugly - The Cranberries - Free To Decide - The Offspring - Why Don’t You Get A Job - The Prodigy - Firestarter - White Zombie - More Human than Human - ZZ Top - Viva Las Vegas - 10,000 Maniacs - Candy Everybody Wants - 2Pac - Dear Mama - Bell Biv Devoe - Poison - Black Box - Strike It Up - Blue Rodeo - Lost Together - Blues Traveler - Hook - Bon Jovi - Blaze of Glory - Brandy - Baby - Collective Soul - The World I Know - Creed - What’s This Life For - Cry Of Love - Peace Pipe - Culture Beat - Mr Vain - Deee-Lite - Groove Is In The Heart - face to face - Pastel - Faith No More - Digging The Grave - Fatboy Slim - Praise You - Garbage - Special - Gin Blossoms - Allison Road - Guns N’ Roses - November Rain - Hootie & The Blowfish - I Go Blind - I Mother Earth - Raspberry - Jane’s Addiction - Classic Girl - Leonard Cohen - Closing Time - Limp Bizkit - Faith - Madonna - Frozen - Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch feat. Loleatta Holloway - Good Vibrations - Melissa Etheridge - Come To My Window - Metallica - Whiskey In The Jar - Montell Jordan - Get It On... Tonite - Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt - Pink Floyd - Keep Talking - Rush - Resist - Sarah McLachlan - Adia - Scorpions - Wind Of Change - Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy - Skid Row - Slave To The Grind - Sloan - The Good In Everyone - Social Distortion - Sometimes I Do - Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You - Stone Temple Pilots - Plush - Sublime - What I Got - The Moffatts - Misery - The Offspring - The Kids Aren’t Alright - The Tragically Hip - Fifty-Mission Cap - TLC - Unpretty - Trisha Yearwood - She’s In Love With The Boy - Unbelievable (Theme From Ford Fairlane) - Yello - Van Halen - Right Now - Wide Mouth Mason - Sugarcane - ZZ Top - Doubleback - 54-40 - Ocean Pearl - Alanis Morissette - Ironic - Bon Jovi - In These Arms - Bryan Adams - On a Day Like Today - Bush - Glycerine - Candlebox - Cover Me - Creed - One - Econoline Crush - All That You Are - Faith No More - A Small Victory - Garth Brooks - Standing Outside the Fire - Green Day - Brain Stew - Green Day - When I Come Around - Guns N’ Roses - Live And Let Die - Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day - Madonna - The Power of Good-Bye - Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis - Mercy Rule - Which Road - Michael Jackson - Jam - Midnight Oil - One Country - No Doubt - Don’t Speak - Poison - Unskinny Bop - R.E.M. - Country Feedback - R.E.M. - Man On The Moon - Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees - Rage Against The Machine - Freedom - Roxette - Church Of Your Heart - Sarah McLachlan - Angel - Seam - Petty Thievery - Sky - Love Song - Sublime - Wrong Way - The Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems - The Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings - Toad the Wet Sprocket - All I Want - Various Artists - I Wanna Sex You Up - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Do Ya - Collective Soul - Listen - Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat - Drill - What You Are - Elton John - Candle In The Wind - Foo Fighters - Everlong - Guns N’ Roses - Yesterdays - Linear - Sending all my Love - Lisa Loeb - I Do - LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out - Moffatts - Girl Of My Dreams - Pearl Jam - Better Man - Pink Floyd - High Hopes - Sarah McLachlan - I Will Remember You - Scorpions - Send Me An Angel - Shania Twain - Love Gets Me Every Time - Shania Twain - No One Needs To Know - Sister Machine Gun - Hole In The Ground - Sister Machine Gun - Think - The Cranberries - Promises - The Goo Goo Dolls - Iris - The Northern Pikes - Girl With A Problem - The Traveling Wilburys - Wilbury Twist - Urge Overkill - Positive Bleeding - Yes - Dangerous (Look In The Light Of What You’re Searching For) - 2Pac - California Love (RMX) - Alice Deejay - Better Off Alone - Amanda Marshall - Birmingham - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - I’m Shattered - Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch - Collective Soul - December - Face to Face - Disconnected - Garland Jeffreys - Hail Hail Rock ’N Roll - Hole - Rock Star - Janet Jackson - Alright - LaTour - People Are Still Having Sex - Michael Jackson - Remember the Time - Midnight Oil - Truganini - N.W.A. - Alwayz Into Somethin’ - Oasis - Champagne Supernova - Shania Twain - Don’t Be Stupid (You Know I Love You) - Sister Hazel - All For You - Sloan - Coax Me - Spice Girls - Goodbye - ZZ Top - Give it Up - Alice In Chains - Would - Ashley MacIssac - The Devil In The Kitchen - Badlees - Fear Of Falling - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Oh Shelley - Brandy - Have You Ever - Bruce Springsteen - Better Days - Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme From ’Titanic’) - Extreme - Hole Hearted - Five - Got The Feelin’ - Great Big Sea - It’s The End Of The World As We Know It - Michael Jackson - Who Is It (IHS Mix) - Shania Twain - That Don’t Impress Me Much (UK Dance Mix) - Sublime - Santeria - Take That - Back For Good - Toby Keith - I’m So Happy I Can’t Stop Crying - Tool - Anema - U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - Wilson Phillips - Hold On - Alabama - Born Country - Arrested Development - Tennessee - Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia - Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It for You - Cher - Believe - Janet Jackson - Escapade - Jennifer Paige - Crush - John Mellencamp - Without Expression - Lagwagon - Lamens Terms - Loreena McKennitt - The Mummer’s Dance - Nine Inch Nails - Hurt - Right Said Fred - I’m Too Sexy - Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life - The Killjoys - Today I Hate Everyone - Utah Saints - Something Good - Will Smith - Gettin’ Jiggy With It - Wilson Phillips - Release Me - Aerosmith - Pink - Alabama - I’m In A Hurry (And Don’t Know Why) - Aqua - Barbie Girl - Bryan Adams - Can’t Stop This Thing We Started - C&C Music Factory - Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) - Dream Warriors - My Definition Of A Boombastic Jazz Style - Inner Circle - Sweat (A La La La Long) - KRS-One - Outta Here - La Bouche - Be My Lover - Madonna - Madonna Vogue - Naughty By Nature - OPP - Prince - Gett Off - Spice Girls - Wannabe - Sublime - Date Rape - TBTBT - One Track Mind - The Lemonheads - Into Your Arms - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly - Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody - Adamski - Killer - Ashley MacIsaac - Sleepy Maggie - Bruce Springsteen - Murder Incorporated - Bryan Adams - There Will Never Be Another Tonight - Dr Alban - It’s My Life - Janet Jackson - Black Cat - K-Ci & JoJo - All My Life - KD Lang - Constant craving - Killjoys - Rave & Drool - Madonna - Madonna Justify My Love - Naughty By Nature - Hip Hop Hooray - Neil Young - Harvest Moon - Prince - Cream - Snow - Informer - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Into The Great Wide Open - Vengaboys - Boom Boom Boom Boom - Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way - Bryan Adams - Thought I’d Died and Gone to Heaven - Choclair - Let’s Ride - Cult - Sweet Soul Sister - Everything But The Girl - Missing - Faith No More - Easy - Great Big Sea - Ordinary Day - Green Day - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Kriss Kross - Jump - Los Del Mar - Macarena - Madonna - Madonna Rescue Me - Pluto - Paste - Prince - Diamonds and Pearls - Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Mary Jane’s Last Dance - Beck - Novacane - Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song - Midnight Oil - Forgotten Years - Mr. Big - To Be With You - Prince - 7 - Roxette - It Must Have Been Love - Semisonic - Closing Time - D.O.A. - Marijuana Motherfucker - Dr Dre - The Day the Niggaz Took Over - Duran Duran - Come Undone - Sinead O’Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U - Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last - Verbow - Holiday - Beastie Boys - Jimmy James (Original Version) - Public Enemy - Fight the Power - Beck - Loser - Beastie Boys - Intergalactic - Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah - Pavement - Summer Babe - Bonnie Raitt - I Can’t Make You Love Me - The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony - Dr. Dre - Nuthin’ But A ’G’ Thang - Nirvana - All Apologies - Beastie Boys - Sabotage - Weezer - Buddy Holly -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧Flac是目前世界上惟一得到公認的音效無損壓縮格式,由於它的取樣率高達 800 kbps~1400kbps,接近於音樂 CD 的1411.2 kbps,遠遠高於 MP3 的 128kbps, 因此它在壓縮後的音質和源檔案音質幾乎毫無差異,其音質之佳已經過了嚴格的 盲聽測試,得到了全世界發燒友的公認,聆聽 APE將使你如臨天籟勝地,更好地 理解到音樂所要表達的內涵。 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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701 Greatest 1980 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂
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701 Greatest 1980 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 英語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: 701 Greatest 1980 Music Hit Singles 90 年代最佳單曲 語文版本: 英語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝 音質取樣: 128Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.08.14 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://www.abodisc.com 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 701 Greatest 1980 Music Hit Singles 收錄了 1980 年代 701 首最佳單曲 - 38 Special - Back to Paradise - 38 Special - Back Where You Belong - 38 Special - Caught Up In You - 38 Special - Hold on Loosely - 54-40 - One Day In Your Life - 71. The Police - Every Breath You Take - A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran - A Flock Of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song - ABC - The Look Of Love - ABC - When Smokey Sings - ACDC - Back in Black - ACDC - Hells Bells - ACDC - Rock and Roll Aint Noise Pollution - ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long - Aerosmith - Angel - Aerosmith - Dude (looks like a lady) - Aerosmith - Title - A-Ha - Take On Me - a-ha - The Sun Always Shines On T.V - Alannah Myles - Black Velvet - Alannah Myles - Love Is - Aldo Nova - Fantasy - Alice Cooper - Poison - Alison Moyet - Invisible - Alphaville - Forever Young - Amazulu - Motego Bay - Animotion - Obsession - April Wine - Just Between You And Me - Arcadia - Election Day - Ashford and Simpson - Solid - Asia - Heat Of The Moment - Assorted - Big Country In A Big Country - Assorted - Blondie Rapture - Assorted - Eurythmics Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) - Assorted - Men Without Hats Safety Dance - Assorted - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark So In Love With You - Assorted - Power Station Get It On (Bang A Gong) - Assorted - Robert Palmer Addicted To Love - Assorted - Soft Cell Tainted Love - Assorted - The Buggles Video Killed The Radio Star - Assorted - Thomas Dolby She Blinded Me With Science - B.V.S.M.P. - I need you - Bad English - When I See You Smile - Baltimora - Tarzan Boy - Bananarama - Venus - Bangles - Eternal Flame - Barney Bental And The Legendary Hearts - Something To Live For - Barney Bentall And The Legendary Hearts - Come Back To Me - Beach Boys - Kokomo - Beastie Boys - Girls - Beastie Boys - No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Belinda Carlisle - Circle In The Sand - Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle - I Get Weak - Berlin - Take My Breath Away - Billy idol - Dancing with myself - Billy Idol - Flesh for Fantasy - Billy Idol - White Wedding - Billy Joel - Its Still Rock And Roll To Me - Billy Joel - Uptown Girl - Billy Joel - We Didnt Start The Fire - Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Rain) - Billy Ocean - Loverboy - Billy Ocean - When The Going Gets Tough - Billy Squier - Everybody Wants You - Billy Squier - In The Dark - Billy Squier - My Kinda Lover - Billy Squier - Rock Me Tonight - Billy Squier - The Stroke - Blondie - Call me - Blondie - Heart Of Glass - Blue Rodeo - Diamond Mine - Blue Rodeo - Try - Bobby McFerrin - Dont worry be happy - Bon Jovi - Livin On A Prayer - Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive - Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name - Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart - Boston - Amanda - Boys Dont Cry - I Wanna Be A Cowboy - Brighton Rock - One more try - Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy - Extended Mix - Bruce Cockburn - If A Tree Falls - Bruce Cockburn - If I Had A Rocket Launcher - Bruce Cockburn - Lovers In A Dangerous Time - Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A - Bruce Springsteen - Brilliant Disguise - Bruce Springsteen - Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days - Bruce Springsteen - Human Touch - Bruce Springsteen - My Hometown - Bruce Springsteen - Tunnel Of Love - Bryan Adams - Heaven - Bryan Adams - Remember - Bryan Adams - Run to You - Bryan Adams - Straight From the Heart - Bryan Adams - Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams - This Time - Bust A Move - Young M.C - Buster Poindexter - Hot Hot Hot - Cameo - Word Up - Chaka Khan - I Feel For You - Cheap Trick - All We Need Is A Dream - Cheap Trick - If You Want My Love - Cheap Trick - The Flame - Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time - Chicago - Along Comes a Woman - Chicago - Hard habit to Break - Chicago - Hard to Say Im Sorry - Get Away - Chicago - Stay the Night - Chicago - Will You Still Love Me - China Crisis - Working With Fire And Steel - Chris Isaak - Wicked Game - Christopher Cross - Arthurs Theme (Best That You Can Do) - Cinderella - Bad Seamstress Blues Fallin Apart At The Seams - Cinderella - Coming Home - Clarence Clemons and Jackson Browne - Youre a Friend of Mine - Club Nouveau - Lean On Me - Colin James - Just Came Back - Corey Hart - A Little Love - Corey Hart - It Aint Enough - Corey Hart - She Got The Radio - Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night - Crowded House - Dont Dream Its Over - Crowded House - Something So Strong - Crowded House - World Where You Live - Cry Little Sister (Theme From The Lost Boys) (Gerard McMann) - Cry Little Sister - Cult - Fire Woman - Cult - Sweet Soul Sister - Culture Club - Do you really want to hurt me - Culture Club - Karma Chameleon - Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms - Cyndi Lauper - All Through The Night - Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun - Cyndi Lauper - She Bop - Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper - When You Were Mine - Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You - Dan Hill ft. Vonda Sheppard - Cant We Try - David Bowie - Blue Jean - David Bowie - China Girl - David Bowie - Lets Dance - David Bowie - Modern Love - David Lee Roth - California Girls - David Lee Roth - Just A Gigolo I Aint Got Nobody - David Lee Roth - Just Like Paradise - Dead Or Alive - Brand New Lover - Dead or Alive - You Spin Me Round - Debbie Gibson - Only In My Dreams - Debbie Gibson - Shake Your Love - Def Leppard - Animal - Def Leppard - Foolin - Def Leppard - Hysteria - Def Leppard - Love Bites - Def Leppard - Photograph - Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages - Def Leppard - Run Riot - Deniece Williams - Lets hear it for the boy - Depeche Mode - Behind The Wheel - Depeche Mode - Master And Servant - Depeche Mode - People Are People - Depeche Mode - Somebody - Devo - Whip It - Dexys Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen - Dio - Rainbow In The Dark - Dionne Warwick - Thats What Friends Are For - Dire Straits - Money For Nothing - Dire Straits - So Far Away - Dire Straits - Walk Of Life - Doctor and The Medics - Spirit in the Sky - Don Henley - All She Wants To Do Is Dance - Don Henley - Dirty Laundry - Don Henley - The Boys Of Summer - Don Henley - The End Of The Innocence - Dr. and The Medics - Spirit In The Sky - Duran Duran - Girls On Film - Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf - Duran Duran - Save A Prayer - Duran Duran - The Reflex - Duran Duran - Union Of The Snake - Duran Duran - Wild Boys - Eddie Money - - Eddie Money - Baby Hold On - Eddie Money - - Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight (Be My Baby) - Eddie Money - - Eddie Money - Two Tickets To Paradise - Eddy Grant - Electric Avenue - Edie Brickell and New Bohemians - What I Am - Electric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight - Elton John - I Guess Thats Why They Call It The Blues - Elton John - Nikita - Elton John - Sad Songs - Enya - Orinocco Flow - Europe - Carrie - Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again - Eurythmics - Whos That Girl - Eurythmics - Would I Lie To You - Faith No More - Epic - Falco - Rock Me Amadeus - Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy - Fleetwood Mac - Big Love - Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac - Hold Me - Fleetwood Mac - Seven Wonders - Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night - FM - Dream Girl - FM - Magic (In Your Eyes) - FM - Take The Time To Dream - Foreigner - I Want to Know What Love is - Foreigner - Juke Box Hero - Foreigner - Say You Will - Foreigner - That Was Yesterday - Foreigner - Urgent - Foreigner - Waiting For A girl Like You - Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax - Frozen Ghost - Dream Come True - Frozen Ghost - Pauper In Paradise - Frozen Ghost - Round and Round - Funky Cold Madina - Tone Loc - Gary Numan - Cars - General Public - Tenderness - Genesis - Invisible Touch - Genesis - Land of Confusion - Genesis - Mama - Genesis - Thats All - Genesis - Throwing It All Away - Genesis - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight - Genesis - Turn it on Again - George Harrison - Got My Mind Set on You - George Michael - Faith - George Michael - Father Figure - George Michael - I Want Your Sex (Parts 1 and 2) - Gino Vannelli - Black Cars - Gino Vannelli - Hurts to be in love - Gino Vannelli - Wild Horses - Glass Tiger - (Watching Words Crumble) - Glass Tiger - Diamond Sun - Glass Tiger - Dont Forget Me (When Im Gone) - Glass Tiger - Im Still Searching - Glass Tiger - Someday - Glass Tiger - Thin Red Line - Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On - Glenn Frey - You Belong To The City - Gloria Estefan and Miami Sound Machine - Rhythm Is Gonna Get You - Good Times (Inxs and Jimmy Barnes) - Good Times - Gowan - A Criminal Mind - Gowan - Cosmetics - Gowan - Moonlight Desires - Gowan - Youre A Strange Animal - Great White - Once Bitten, Twice Shy - Great White - Rock Me - Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down - Guns N Roses - Paradise City - Guns N Roses - Patience - Guns N Roses - Sweet Child O Mine - Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle - Hall and Oates - Kiss On My List - Hall and Oates - Out Of Touch - Headpins - Dont It Make Ya Feel - Heart - Alone - Heart - If Looks Could Kill - Heart - Never - Heart - These Dreams - Heart - What About Love - Helix - Anything You Want - Helix - Rock You - Henry Lee Summer - Hey Baby - Herbie Hancock - Rock it - Honeymoon Suite - Burning In Love - Honeymoon Suite - Love Changes Everything - Honeymoon Suite - New Girl Now - Honeymoon Suite - Stay In The Light - Honeymoon Suite - Wave Babies - Howard Jones - Everlasting Love - Howard Jones - No One Is To Blame - Howard Jones - Things Can Only Get Better - Howard Jones - What Is Love - Huey Lewis and The News - Do You Believe In Love - Huey Lewis and The News - Heart And Soul (2) - Huey Lewis and The News - Heart And Soul - Huey Lewis and The News - I Want A New Drug - Huey Lewis and The News - If This Is It - Huey Lewis and The News - The Heart Of Rock and Roll - Huey Lewis and The News - The Power Of Love - Human League - Dont You Want Me - Human League - Human - Human League - The Sound of the Crowd - Icehouse - Crazy - Icehouse - Electric Blue - INXS - Dont Change - INXS - Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down the Mountain) - INXS - Mystify - INXS - Need You Tonight - INXS - Never Tear Us Apart - INXS - New Sensation - INXS - Original Sin - INXS - What You Need - Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills - J. Geils Band - Centerfold - J. Geils Band - Freeze-frame - Jackson Browne - Lawyers In Love - Jackson Browne - Somebodys Baby - Jan Hammer - Crocketts theme - Janet Jackson - Control - Janet Jackson - Nasty - Janet Jackson - Rhythm Nation - Janet Jackson - The Pleasure Principle - Janet Jackson - What Have You Done For Me Lately - Jennifer Rush - The Power Of Love - Jennifer Warnes - First We Take Manhattan - Jermaine Stewart - We dont have to take our clothes off - Joan Jett - I Love Rock N Roll - Jody Watley - Friends - Jody Watley - Real Love - John Farnham - Youre The Voice - John Fogerty - Centerfield - John Fogerty - The Old Man Down The Road - John Mellencamp - Check it Out (2) - John Mellencamp - Check it Out - John Mellencamp - Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp - Jack And Diane - John Mellencamp - Pink Houses - John Mellencamp - Small Town - John Parr - St. Elmos Fire (Man In Motion) - John Waite - Missing You - Journey - Dont Stop Believin - Journey - Only The Young - Journey - Open Arms - Journey - Wheel In The Sky - Judas Priest - Turbo Lover - Judas Priest - Youve Got Another Thing Comin - Juice Newton - Queen Of Hearts - Katrina and the Waves - Walking on Sunshine - Kenny Loggins - Footloose - Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Mitchell - Go For Soda - Kim Mitchell - Rock N Roll Duty - Kool and The Gang - Celebration - Kool and The Gang - Cherish - Kool and The Gang - Emergency - Kool Moe Dee - Wild Wild West - Laura Branigan - Self Control - Laying Down The Law (Inxs and Jimmy Barnes) - Laying Down the Law - Lee Aaron - Whatcha Do To My Body - Level 42 - Something About You - Lionel Richie - All Night Long - Lionel Richie - Hello - Lionel Richie - Running With The Night - Lionel Richie - Say You, Say Me - Lionel Richie - Three Times A Lady - Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam - Head To Toe - Lita Ford - Close My Eyes Forever - Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly - Living Color - Cult of Personality - Ll Cool J - Going Back To Cali - LL Cool J - I Need Love - Lou Gramm - Just Between You And Me - Lou Gramm - Midnight Blue - Love and Rockets - Ball Of Confusion - Love And Rockets - So Alive - Loverboy - Almost Paradise - Loverboy - Hot Girls In Love - Loverboy - Lovin Every Minute Of It - Loverboy - The Kid Is Hot Tonight - Loverboy - This Could Be The Night - Loverboy - Turn Me Loose - Loverboy - Working For The Weekend - Luba - Everytime I See Your Picture - Luba - How Many - Luba - Let It Go (Extended Club Mix) - Luba - Little Salvation - Luba - Secrets and Sins - Luba - Storm Before the Calm - Madonna - Holiday - Madonna - Madonna Cherish - Madonna - Madonna La Isla Bonita - Madonna - Madonna Like A Prayer - Madonna - Madonna Like A Virgin - Madonna - Madonna Live To Tell - Madonna - Madonna Material Girl - Madonna - Papa Dont Preach - Man to man meet man Parish - Male Stripper - Martika - Toy Soldiers - Matthew Wilder - Break my Stride - Max Q - Way of the World - MC Miker G and DJ Sven - Holiday rap - Men at Work - Down Under - Men at Work - Who Can It Be Now - Men Without Hats - Pop Goes the World - Metallica - Fade To Black - METALLICA - One - Michael Jackson - Beat It - Michael Jackson - Billie Jean - Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana - Michael Jackson - Man in the Mirror - Michael Jackson - The Girl Is Mine - Michael Jackson - Thriller - Michael Sembello - Maniac - Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning - Midnight Oil - Kosciuszko - Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart - Mike and The Mechanics - All I Need Is A Miracle - Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain - Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know Its True - Milli Vanilli - Im Gonna Miss You - Ministry - Thieves - Modern English - I Melt With You - Motley Crue - Dont Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) - Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood - Motley Crue - Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart - Motley Crue - Smokin In The Boys Room - Mr. Mister - Broken Wings - Mr. Mister - Kyrie - Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok - Naked Eyes - Always Something There To Remind Me - Neil Young - Rockin in the Free World - Neneh Cherry - Kisses In The Wind - New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order - Blue Monday (12 Version) - Night Ranger - Goodbye - Night Ranger - Sentimental Street - Night Ranger - Sister Christian - Night Ranger - When You Close Your Eyes - Nik Kershaw - Wouldnt it be good - Northern Pikes, The - Wait For Me - NWA - Fuck Tha Police - Old School - Kool Moe Dee Go See the Doctor - Outfield - Your Love - OXO - Whirly Girl - Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon- Live - Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne - Mr. Crowley - Parachute Club - Rise Up - Pat Benatar - Hell Is For Children - Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benatar - Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar - We Belong - Paul Hardcastle - Nineteen - Paul McCartney - Spies Like Us - Paul Simon - Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes - Paul Simon - Graceland - Paula Abdul - Cold Hearted - Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract - Paula Abdul - Straight Up - Payolas - Eyes of a Stranger - Payolas - It Must be Love - Payolas - Stuck in The Rain - Payolas - Where is This Love - Payolas - Youre The Only One - Pet Shop Boys - Always On My Mind - Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities (Lets Make Lots Of Money) - Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls - Pet Shop Boys - What Have I Done To Deserve This - Pete Townshend - Let My Love Open The Door - Peter Gabriel - Dont Give Up - Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers - Peter Gabriel - I Have The Touch - Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey - Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer - Phil Collins - Against all Odds - Phil Collins - Another Day in Paradise - Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight - Phil Collins - One More Night - Phil Collins - Sussudio - Phil Collins - Take Me Home - Phil Collins and Phil Bailey - Easy Lover - Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly - Planet P Project - Why Me - Platinum Blonde - Crying Over You - Platinum Blonde - It Doesnt Really Matter - Platinum Blonde - Not in Love - Platinum Blonde - Situation Critical - Platinum Blonde - Standing in The Dark - Pointer Sisters - Im So Excited - Pointer Sisters - Jump (For My Love) - Pointer Sisters - Neutron Dance - Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Poison - Talk Dirty To me - Pretenders - Back On The Chain Gang - Pretty Poison - Catch Me (Im Falling) - Prince - 1999 - Prince - I Would Die 4 U - Prince - Little Red Corvette - Prince - Sign O The Times - Prince - U Got the Look - Prince and The Revolution - Kiss - Prince and The Revolution - Lets Go Crazy - Prince and The Revolution - Purple Rain - Prince and The Revolution - When Doves Cry - Pump Up the Volume - M.A.R.R.S - Quarterflash - Harden My Heart - Quiet Riot - Cum On Feel The Noize - R.E.M. - Its the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine) - R.E.M. - Radio Free Europe [Original Hib-Tone Single] - R.E.M. - The One I Love - Red Rider - Breaking Curfew - Re-Flex - The Politics Of Dancing - REO Speedwagon - Cant Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon - In My Dreams - REO Speedwagon - Keep on Loving You - REO Speedwagon - Take it on the Run - Richard Marx - Hold On To The Night - Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick James - Super Freak - Rick Springfield - Jessies Girl - Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock - It Takes Two - Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock - Joy And Pain - Robbie Nevil - Cest la vie - Robert Plant - Heaven Knows - Robert Plant - Rockin At Midnight - Robert Plant - Sea Of Love - Robert Plant - Tall Cool One - Roger Hodgson - Had A dream (Sleeping With The Enemy) - Romantics - Talking In Your Sleep - Romantics - What i like about you - Roxette - Dangerous - Roxette - Dressed For Success - Roxette - Listen To Your Heart - Roxette - The Look - Roxy Music - More Than This - Run DMC - Its Like That - Run-D.M.C. - Beats To The Rhyme - Run-D.M.C. - Walk This Way - Rush - New World Man - Rush - Time Stand Still - Rush - Tom Sawyer - Saga - Scratching the Surface - Salt N Pepa - Push It - Samantha Fox - Touch me (I want your body) - Sammy Hagar - Your Love Is Driving Me Crazy - Sarah McLachlan - Vox - Sass Jordan - Double Trouble - Scorpions - No One Like You - Scorpions - Rhythm Of Love - Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane - Sheena Easton - Eternity - Sheena Easton - Morning Train (Nine To Five) - Sheena Easton - Strut - Sheriff - When Im With You - Simple Minds - Dont You Forget About Me - Skid Row - 18 And Life - Skid Row - I Remember You - Sly Fox - Lets Go All the Way - Soul II Soul - Back To Life - Spandau Ballet - True - Split Endz - I Got You - Stacey Q - Two Of Hearts - Starship - Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now - Starship - Sara - Starship - We Built This City - Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra - Steve Perry - Oh Sherrie - Steve Winwood - Back in the High Life Again - Steve Winwood - Higher Love - Steve Winwood - While You See A Chance - Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty - Stop Draggin my Heart Around - Strange Advance - The Second That I Saw You - Strange Advance - We Run - Strange Advance - Worlds Away - Styx - Mr. Roboto - Supertramp - Its Raining Again - Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor - High On You - Survivor - I Cant Hold Back - Survivor - Is This Love - Survivor - The Search Is Over - Sway - Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart) - Swing Out Sister - Breakout - Talk Talk - Its My Life - Talking Heads - And She Was - Talking Heads - Burning Down The House - Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime - Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels Broken (Live) - Tears For Fears - Shout - Terence Trent DArby - Sign Your Name - Terence Trent DArby - Wishing Well - The Alan Parsons Project - Eye in the sky - The B-52s - Rock Lobster - The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian - The Box - Closer Together (1986) - The Box - My Dreams Of You (1985) - The Box - Ordinary People (1986) - The Cars - Drive - The Cars - Hello Again - The Cars - Magic - The Cars - You Might Think - The Cult - Love Removal Machine - The Cult - Wild Flower - The Cure - Love Song - The Dead Milkmen - Bitchin Camaro - The Dead Milkmen - Leggo My Ego - The Dream Academy - Life In A Northern Town - The Escape Club - Wild, Wild West - The Firm - Radioactive - The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another - The Grapes Of Wrath - All The Things I Wasnt - The Grapes Of Wrath - Blind - The Grapes Of Wrath - What Was Going Through My Head - The Grateful Dead - Touch of Grey - The Mechanics - The Living Years - The Motels - Suddenly Last Summer - The Northern Pikes - Jackie T - The Northern Pikes - Teenland - The Northern Pikes - Things I Do For Money - The Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven - The Police - Every Breath You Take - The Police - King Of Pain - The Power Station - Some like it hot - The Romantics - What I Like About You - The Smiths - How Soon Is Now - The Tragically Hip - 38 Years Old - The Tragically Hip - Blow at High Dough - The Tragically Hip - Boots or Hearts - The Tragically Hip - New Orleans Is Sinking - The Tubes - Shes a Beauty - Thompson Twins - Doctor! Doctor! - Thompson Twins - Hold Me Now - Thompson Twins - King For A Day - Thompson Twins - Lay Your Hands On Me (12 Version) - Tiffany - I Think Were Alone Now - Tight Fit - The Lion Sleeps Tonight - Til Tuesday - Voices Carry - Timex Social Club - Rumors - Tina Turner - Whats Love Got to Do With It - Tom Cochrane - Boy Inside the Man - Tom Cochrane - Good Times - Tom Cochrane - Lunatic Fringe - Tom Cochrane - White Hot - Tom Cochrane and Red Rider - Big League - Tom Petty - Free Fallin - Tom Petty - I Wont Back Down - Tom Petty - Runnin Down A Dream - Tom Petty and the Hearbreakers - Dont Come Around Here No More - Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Refugee - Tommy Tutone - 867-5309 (Jenny) - Toni Basil - Mickey - Toronto - Your Daddy Dont Know - Toto - Africa - Toto - Hold The Line - Toto - Pamela - Toto - Rosanna - TPau - China in Your Hand - Tracy Chapman - Fast Car - Trans X - Living on Video - Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line - Traveling Wilburys - Handle With Care - Trooper - Were Here For A Good Time (Not A Long Time) - Twisted Sister - I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister - The Price - Twisted Sister - Were Not Gonna to Take It - U2 - Desire - U2 - I Still Havent Found What Im Looking For - U2 - I Will Follow - U2 - New Years Day - U2 - Pride (In the Name of Love) - U2 - Where the Streets Have no Name - U2 - With or Without You - UB40 - Red Red Wine - Ultravox - Dancing with tears in my eyes - USA for Africa - We Are The World - Van Halen - Dreams - Van Halen - Hot for Teacher - Van Halen - Jump - Van Halen - Love Walks In - Van Halen - Mine All Mine - Van Halen - Panama - Van Halen - When Its Love - Van Halen - Why Cant This Be Love - Various - 99 Red Balloons - Various - Ace of Spades - Various - Axel F - Various - Girlfriend - Various - Goody Two Shoes - Various - Its Raining Men - Various - Living After Midnight - Various - Manic Monday - Various - My Favourite Waste Of Time - Various - My Prerogative - Various - Pass The Dutchie - Various - Sexual Heating - Various - The Final Countdown - Various - Wouldnt It Be Good - Various - You Keep Me Hangin On - Wall Of Voodoo - Mexican Radio - Wang Chung - Dance Hall Days - Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight - Wham! - Everything She Wants [1984 extended version 6_29] - Wham! - Im Your Man [1986 short version 3_01] - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go [1984 version 3_51] - Whitesnake - Here I Go Again - Whitesnake - Is This Love - Whitesnake - Still Of The Night - Yello - Oh Yeah - Yes - Holy Lamb (Song For Harmonic Convergence) - Yes - It Can Happen - Yes - Love Will Find A Way - Yes - Owner of a Lonely Heart - Yes - Shoot High Aim Low - ZZ Top - Cheap Sunglasses - ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin - ZZ Top - Legs - ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Michael Jackson THE Discography 1967-2009 麥可.傑克森 全記錄 英語流行樂
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Michael Jackson THE Discography 1967-2009 麥可.傑克森 全記錄 英語流行樂

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Michael Jackson THE Discography 1967-2009 麥可.傑克森 全記錄 語文版本: 英語流行樂 光碟片數: 單片裝(雙面層單 DVD) 音質取樣: 128Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.08.14 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Jackson 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 流行音樂之王(King of Pop) 光碟資料夾結構介紹 - Albums 專輯 - Compilations 合輯、特輯 - Other albums (Remix, Hybrid, ETC.) 其它專輯(混音版等等) - Singles 單曲 - The Jackson 5 傑克森五人組時期專輯 - The Jacksons 傑克森樂隊時期專輯(傑克森五人組後來改名) - Albums 專輯 - 1972 - Ben - 1972 - Got To Be There - 1973 - Music and Me - 1975 - Forever, Michael - 1979 - Off The Wall (2001 Special Edition) - 1979 - Off The Wall (Austria Edition) - 1982 - Thriller (Japanese 1st Pressing) - 1982 - Thriller - 1987 - Bad (2001 Special Edition) - 1987 - Bad (Re-Released Second Issue) - 1987 - Bad - 1991 - Dangerous (2001 Special Edition) - 1991 - Dangerous - 2001 - Invincible - Compilations 合輯、特輯 - 1992 - World Tour Souvenir CD - 1995 - HIStory Past, Present and Future, Book I (2CD) - 1999 - Love Songs (feat. Diana Ross) - 2003 - Number Ones - 2005 - The Essential (Japan MHCP 745-6) (2CD) - 2005 - The Essential (U.S. Version) (2CD) - 2008 - Gold (2CD) - 2008 - Greatest Hits (2CD) - 2008 - King Of Pop (Deluxe UK Edition) (3CD) - 2008 - King Of Pop (Italian Fans’ Selection) (2CD) - 2008 - King Of Pop (Russian Edition) - 2008 - The Essential Michael Jackson 3.0 (Limited Edition) (3CD) - 2009 - King Of Pop (Korean Limited Edition) (2CD) - 2009 - King Of Pop (Singapore Edition) (3CD) - Other albums (Remix, Hybrid, ETC.) 其它專輯(混音版等等) - 1982 - Thriller (25th Anniversary Edition Reissue 2008) - 1988 - The Bad Mixes (Limited Edition Promo) - 1996 - Remixed Supergold - 1997 - Blood On The Dance Floor - History In The Mix - 2009 - Live in Tokyo ’87 (Limited Edition) - 2009 - The Remix Suite - 2009 - This Is It (2CD) - Singles 單曲 - 1987 - Another Part of Me (CD Single) - 1987 - Bad (US Promo CDM) - 1988 - Instrumental Version Collection (Japan Edition) - 1988 - The 12’’ Mixes (Australia Limited Edition CDM) - 1991 - In The Closet (Australian CDM) - 1991 - Remember The Time (CDS) - 1992 - Remember The Time (UK CDS) - 1992 - Who Is It (Japan CDM) - 1993 - Give In To Me (CDM) - 1993 - Who Is It (US CDM) - 1995 - Earth Song (CDS) - 1995 - Earth Song (Maxi-CD) - 1995 - Earth Song (UK CDS) - 1995 - Scream - Childhood (CDS) - 1995 - Scream (Promo CDM) - 1995 - You Are Not Alone (Australian CDM) - 1995 - You Are Not Alone (Austria CDS) - 1995 - You Are Not Alone (CDM) - 1995 - You Are Not Alone (Maxi-CD) - 1996 - Stranger In Moscow (Austria CDS) - 1996 - Stranger In Moscow (CDS) - 1996 - They Dont Care About Us (Austria CDS) - 1996 - Why (3T Feat. Michael Jackson) (CDS) - 1997 - Blood On The Dance Floor (Limited Edition Minimax 5’’) (UK CDS) - 1997 - Blood On The Dance Floor (Maxi-CDS) - 1997 - HIStory - Ghosts (Austria Special Edition CDM) - 1997 - History (UK CDS) - 1997 - Limited Edition Minimax CD - 1997 - Stranger In Moscow (US CDS) - 2008 - The Girl Is Mine (with Will.I.Am) (CDS) - 2008 - Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ 2008 with Akon (CDS) - 2009 - This Is It (Promo CDS) - The Jackson 5 傑克森五人組時期專輯 - 1967 - The Magic Collection - 1973 - In Japan (Limited Edition) - 1983 - Michael Jackson and The Jackson 5 - 18 Greatest Hits - 1992 - An American Dream - 1999 - 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection - The Best of Jackson 5 - The Jacksons 傑克森樂隊時期專輯(傑克森五人組後來改名) - 1976 - The Jacksons - 1977 - Goin’ Places - 1978 - Destiny - 1980 - Triumph - 1984 - Victory - 1989 - 2300 Jackson Street - 2004 - The Jacksons Story - 2004 - Very Best Of The Jacksons (2CD) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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Queen Collection 1967-2011 皇后樂團 典藏集 英語流行樂【2片裝】
XCDeX,破解,序號,大補帖,便宜軟體遊戲,XYZ 是大便

Queen Collection 1967-2011 皇后樂團 典藏集 英語流行樂【2片裝】

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Music -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 專輯名稱: Queen Collection 1967-2011 皇后樂團 典藏集 語文版本: 英語流行樂 光碟片數: 2片裝(雙面層單 DVD) 音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz 檔案格式: MP3 硬體需求: PC/Power PC 音樂類型: Pop 更新日期: 2012.08.14 唱片發行: 無(B.EE) 相關網站: http://goo.gl/0oiSI 中文網站: 無 唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1968 年,就讀於倫敦帝國學院的吉他手布萊恩.梅,和就讀 Ealing Art College 的貝斯手提姆.史塔費爾(Tim Staffell)兩人想組樂團,但還缺鼓手,於是貼出 告示徵人。這時年輕的牙科學生羅傑.泰勒前來應徵,三人組的樂團成立,此時的 團名為「Smile」。 提姆將樂團介紹給他的同學佛萊迪.墨裘瑞,而墨裘瑞立刻愛 上了「Smile」的音樂。 1970年,提姆.史塔費爾離團,這時仍只是樂迷身分的墨裘瑞,建議樂團改名為「 Queen」, 在成員同意下正式改名,這也是日後將沿用數十年的名字。不久後墨裘 瑞自己加入樂團擔任主唱。之後陸續換了幾個貝斯手,但都不太合,直到 1971年2 月,貝斯手迪肯加入後成員才定案,並在未來二十年再也沒有更動,這也就是今日 一般所稱的四名「皇后樂團」成員:布萊恩.梅、羅傑.泰勒、佛萊迪.墨裘瑞、 約翰.迪肯(依加入時間排序)。 光碟資料夾結構介紹 - Albums 專輯 - Singles and Remixes 單曲與混音版 - Albums 專輯 - 1967 - Thames Television Studios Demo Tape - 1971 - In The Beginning - 1971 - Pre Ordained - 1973 - At the Beeb The BBC Rarities - 1973 - BBC Radio One - 1973 - In Nuce Rarities - 1973 - Langham 1 Studio BBC [4CD] - 1973 - Live At Oxford - 1973 - Queen I - 1974 - Queen II - 1974 - Sheer Heart Attack - 1975 - A Night At The Opera - 1975 - Live At Shizuoka Japan - 1976 - A Day At The Races - 1977 - News Of The World - 1978 - Jazz - 1979 - Complete Kampuchea Concert - 1979 - Live Killers [2CD] - 1980 - Flash Gordon - 1980 - The Game - 1982 - Hot Space - 1984 - The Works - 1985 - Final Live In Japan - 1985 - Live Aid - 1986 - A Kind Of Magic - 1986 - Live In Budapest - 1986 - Live Magic - 1989 - The Miracle - 1991 - CD Single Box [12CD] - 1991 - Innuendo - 1991 - The Vaults Demos+Rare Stuff [5CD] - 1992 - Live At Wembley ’86 - 1992 - The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert [3CD] - 1992 - The Great Pretender - 1993 - Freddie Mercury [Remixes] - 1993 - Living On My Own - 1995 - Made In Heaven - 1996 - Royal Rarities [3CD] - 1998 - The eYe Soundtrack [5CD] - 2000 - Freddy Mercury The Solo Collection [11CD] - 2000 - The Ultimate Rarities Collection - 2004 - Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl [2CD] - 2004 - Queen Rare Live - 2005 - Return Of The Champions [2CD] - 2006 - Lover of Life Singer of Songs [2CD] - 2007 - Rock Montreal ’81 [2CD] - 2008 - Absolutely Rare [2CD] - 2008 - Singles Collection Vol. 1 [Remaster 13CD] - 2008 - The Cosmos Rocks - 2009 - Singles Collection Vol. 2 [Remaster 13CD] - 2009 - The Ultr?Traxx Collecti?n [Bootleg] - 2010 - Singles Collection Vol. 3 [Remaster 13CD] - 2010 - Singles Collection Vol. 4 [Remaster 13CD] - 2011 - Deep Cuts [Remaster] - 2011 - Greatest Hits Vol. 1 [Remaster] - 2011 - Greatest Hits Vol. 2 [Remaster] - 2011 - Greatest Hits Vol. 3 [Remaster] - Singles and Remixes 單曲與混音版 - 1973 - Keep Yourself Alive - 1973 - Queen - 1974 - Killer Queen - 1974 - Killer Queen (Single Japan) - 1974 - Queen II - 1974 - Seven Seas of Rhye (Single Japan) - 1974 - Seven Seas Of Rhye (Singles EMI) - 1974 - Sheer Heart Attack - 1975 - A Night At The Opera - 1975 - Bohemian Rhapsody & I’m In Love With My Ca - 1975 - Bohemian Rhapsody & These Are Days Of Our Lives - 1975 - Bohemian Rhapsody (Single Japan) - 1975 - Now I’m Here - 1976 - A Day At The Races - 1976 - Somebody To Love (Single EMI) - 1976 - Somebody to Love (Single Japan) - 1976 - You’re My Best Friend - 1977 - News Of The World - 1977 - Queen’s First EP - 1977 - Tie Your Mother Down (Single EMI) - 1977 - We Are The Champions (Single EMI) - 1977 - We Are The Champions (Single Japan) - 1978 - Bicycle Race - 1978 - Jazz - 1978 - Spread Your Wings - 1979 - Crazy Little Thing Called Love - 1979 - Don’t Stop Me Now - 1980 - Another One Bites The Dust - 1980 - Flash Gordon - 1980 - The Game - 1981 - Under Pressure - 1984 - A Kind Of Magic - 1984 - I Want To Break Free - 1984 - Radio Ga Ga (Single Extended Version) - 1984 - Radio Ga-Ga - 1986 - Who Wants To Live Forever - 1989 - Breakthru - 1989 - I Want It All - 1989 - Scandal - 1989 - Scandal 4 Track Promo - 1989 - The Invisible Man - 1989 - The Miracle - 1991 - Headlond (SingleJapan) - 1991 - Headlong - 1991 - I’m Going Slightly Mad - 1991 - Innuendo - 1991 - The Show Must Go on - 1995 - A Winter’s Tale - 1995 - Heaven For Everyone - 1995 - Let Me Live (UK Part 1) - 1995 - Let Me Live (UK Part 2 ) - 1995 - Made In Heaven - 1995 - Too Much Love Will Kill You - 1996 - You Don’t Fool Me - 1996 - You Don’t Fool Me (The Remixes) - 1997 - Great Dance Remix - 1997 - No-One But You ( Holland) - 1997 - No-One But You (Only The Good Die Young) - 1997 - Queen Rocks - 1999 - Under Pressure I - 1999 - Under Pressure II - 2000 - Princes Of The Universe - 2003 - Flash - 2005 - 46664 One Year On - 2007 - Say it’s not true -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

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